Alcorin's Blog - Oct to Dec 23 (1 follower)

A voice of one calling in the wildernessPermalink
This site is a shambling corpse anyway, ain't nobody gonna read this.

I'm mainly writing this to hide my previous blog post from me profile. So long, bluh. And also useless, since Steam now keeps free games in the library, unlike those... Dang, exactly 5 years ago? I've really been gone for a while, huh? No wonder so much has changed...

Also, why didn't past me just use the Game List feature to make a list of games to keep track of? Was that also not technically viable or was she just stupid? We may never know.

Also also, someone please add Paleo Pines achievements to the site already, this game engulfed my life and I gotta show off that 100% once I get it.
Posted by Alcorin on 26 December 23 at 19:54 | There are 2 comments on this blog post - Please log in to comment on this blog.
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