theHunter: Call of the Wild Achievements Full list of all 160 theHunter: Call of the Wild achievements.The base game contains 82 achievements, and there are 6 DLC packs containing 78 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 124 Online/Offline 124 Single Player 66 Cooperative 55 Main Storyline 4 Stackable 18 Collectable 27 Cumulative + 3 Level 5 Shop 6 Time Consuming 1 Buggy + 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (40)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The MileTravel a distance of 1 mile (1.609 kilometers) on foot The Scandinavian MileTravel a distance of 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) on foot The MarathonTravel a distance of 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers) on foot The UltramarathonTravel a distance of 100 miles (160.934 kilometers) on foot Jäger ArcComplete Gerlinde Jäger's mission arc Sommer ArcComplete Robert Sommer's mission arc Bhandari ArcComplete Vinay Bhandari's mission arc Fleischer ArcComplete Albertina Fleischer's mission arc Tressler ArcComplete Marwin Tressler's mission arc Hope ArcComplete Richard Hope's mission arc Trampfine ArcComplete Jonathan Trampfine's mission arc Vualez ArcComplete Fiona Vualez's mission arc Connors ArcComplete Emily Connors's mission arc Beatty ArcComplete Paul Beatty's mission arc Hirschfelden ArcComplete all Central Europe missions Layton Lake District ArcComplete all Pacific Northwest missions Novice MarksmanHit an animal from 50+ meters (55+ yards) 1 guideSkilled MarksmanHit an animal from 100+ meters (110+ yards) 1 guideExpert MarksmanHit an animal from 200+ meters (219+ yards) Legendary MarksmanHit an animal from 400+ meters (438+ yards) 1 guideMoby DeerHarvest an albino deer in Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve or the Layton Lake District 1 guideHero Of HirschfeldenHarvest an animal in every subregion in Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve Lord Of The LakesHarvest an animal in every subregion in Layton Lake District Stay On TargetFind 50 tracks from the same animal 1 guidePersistence Is FutileFind 100 tracks from the same animal 1 guideSeeing Is BelievingSpot 10 animals 1 guideStalkerSpot 100 animals Jack Of All TradesHarvest different animals using each of the four weapon types Blind ShotHit an animal that is barely visible Leave No Animal BehindHarvest a wounded animal Call Of The WildUse all callers once InsomniacDown an animal at night ScarecrowScared 1000 animals GlobetrotterVisit all regions in Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve and Layton Lake District Up Close And PersonalHit an animal while undetected within 15 meters (16 yards) Wildlife PaparazziPhotograph every trophy animal species in Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve and Layton Lake District Potty HumorExamine 100 droppings 1 guideMake It CountDown an animal with your last round of ammunition Diamonds Are ForeverEarn a diamond rating on a harvested animal GoldmemberEarn a gold rating on a harvested animal 1 guideSilver LiningEarn a silver rating on a harvested animal 1 guideIt's SomethingEarn a bronze rating on a harvested animal 1 guideBucket ListSpot every trophy animal species in Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve and Layton Lake District EavesdroppingIdentify a call from every animal species in Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve and Layton Lake District 1 guideNerves Of SteelDown an animal while having an elevated heart rate 1 guideThe Old Fashioned WayDown an animal with an unscoped rifle 1 guideHead, Shoulders, Knees, And ToesDown an animal from each stance 1 guideThis Is Not A Zombie GameDown 10 animals by hitting the brain Fallow FanaticHarvest 50 Fallow deer Deer DevilHarvest 50 red deer Roe WarriorHarvest 50 roe deer The Bigger They Come...Harvest 50 European bison Fox FeverHarvest 50 red foxes Whitetail HunterHarvest 50 whitetail deer Blacktail StalkerHarvest 50 blacktail deer Elk EnthusiastHarvest 50 Roosevelt elk Coyote CallingHarvest 50 coyotes Long Live The King!Harvest 50 moose Bringing Home The BaconHarvest 50 wild boars Bear BugHarvest 50 black bears True DedicationFind a feeding track, drinking track and a resting track made by a fallow deer Deer SpottingSpot 12 unique red deer from a distance of less than 25 m (27 yards) Date NightHarvest a male and a female roe deer from the same herd CupidHarvest a European bison with a single shot to the heart using a bow Fox WatchHarvest a red fox from a surveyed lookout point Death From AboveHarvest a whitetail deer from a hunting structure using a bow Old FashionedHarvest a blacktail deer with a single shot from a rifle using only iron sights from a distance of more than 150 meters (164 yards) Elk TalkIdentify a mating call from a Roosevelt elk from a distance of less than 25 meters (27 yards) Side By SideHarvest two coyotes from the same pack with a shotgun By The BookHarvest a moose with Quick Kill bonus and pass the harvest check. Boars Night OutHarvest a wild boar at night with a handgun Coat Of Many ColorsHarvest a blond, brown, and cinnamon-colored black bear A spark, a blaze, ashesWitness the forest fire GhostHavest an albino gray wolf A Reddish CarpetComplete the mission 'Red Carpet' FaithComplete Padre Abbas' mission arc Shady DealingsHarvest Fantasma, Ogro, and Sombra HubrisComplete Gerhardt Baden's mission arc TraditionComplete Antonia Acosta Gonzalez's mission arc CommitmentComplete Sole Santiago Serrano's mission arc RebirthComplete Don Del Bosque's mission arc OpportunismComplete Jose Ruiz Hernández's mission arc Add-on Medved-Taiga 1,633 340 34 0.001,30446 (4%) Dr. Anatoly Barnyashev ArcComplete Dr. Anatoly Barnyashev mission arc Dr. Columbus Neidell ArcComplete Dr. Columbus Neidell mission arc Dimitri "Dimi" Pushkin ArcComplete Dimitri "Dimi" Pushkin mission arc Georgy Grankin ArcComplete Georgy Grankin's mission arc Katerina Khasavovna ArcComplete Katerina Khasavovna mission arc Dr. Svetlana Isakova ArcComplete Dr. Svetlana Isakova's mission arc Medved-Taiga National Park ArcComplete all Medved-Taiga National Park missions The Apex HunterComplete Dr. Alena Khasavovna's mission arc Tsar Of The TaigaHarvest an animal in every subregion in Medved-Taiga National Park TrailrunnerVisit all regions in Medved-Taiga National Park ShutterbugPhotograph every trophy animal species in Medved-Taiga National Park Right There, Right There!Spot every trophy animal species in Medved-Taiga National Park Deer WhispererIdentify a call from every trophy animal species in Medved-Taiga National Park Shed HunterCollect all antler sheds in Medved-Taiga National Park Paleontology 101Find all artifacts in Medved-Taiga National Park 1 guideArt CriticFind all of the cave paintings in Medved-Taiga National Park 1 guideTrapperFind all of Grankin's traps in Medved-Taiga National Park 1 guidePilgrimFind all of the Nenet monuments in Medved-Taiga National Park 1 guideChildren Of The NightHarvest 50 Siberian musk deer Hello LynxyHarvest 50 Eurasian lynx Bear MinimumHarvest 50 brown bears Rudolf's BaneHarvest 50 reindeer Hunting The HunterHarvest a Eurasian lynx that is hunting or eating Bear HugHarvest a brown bear with a single shot from a distance of less than 25 meters (27 yards) One By OneHarvest 5 reindeer from the same herd True MuskHarvest a Siberian musk deer with a heart shot Peppe's ChallengeHarvest 5 animals from the same herd with a single shot to the heart using a bow in Medved-Taiga National Park Spirit AnimalHarvest a spirit-colored brown bear with a handgun Let It FlyHarvest a Eurasian lynx with a bow Shotgun!Harvest a reindeer with a shotgun and a 100% quick kill bonus DeadeyeHarvest a Siberian musk deer with a single shot from a rifle from a distance of more than 250 meters (274 yards) CamperHarvest an animal from a hunting structure in Medved-Taiga National Park TouristFind all of the landmarks in Medved-Taiga National Park DetectiveFind all expedition notes in Medved-Taiga National Park Add-on Vurhonga Savanna 450 120 12 0.0062680 (13%) Vurhonga Savanna ArcComplete all the Vurhonga Savanna Mission arcs Warden Missions ArcComplete the Warden Mission arcs Mboweni ArcComplete Maria Mboweni's mission arc Ospreay ArcComplete Flip Ospreay's mission arc Maritz ArcComplete Dana Maritz's mission arc Brother ArcComplete Brother's mission arc An Experienced Senior WardenHarvest every animal species in Vurhonga Savanna Njabulo's SorrowFind Rambolo, the last rhino of Vurhonga Savanna CamouflageSpot 50 lesser kudu A Match for the WidowmakerHarvest a cape buffalo downed by the King 470DB Springbok CityHarvest 25 springbok The Lion of VurhongaHarvest an animal in every subregion in Vurhonga Savanna Add-on Parque Fernando 415 110 11 0.0033747 (14%) Ave María, it works!Restore power to the Parque Fernando Hunting Lodge The Truth is in the MilanesaComplete Carolina Vargas' mission arc Hitting the MarkComplete one of Carolina's Challenge Targets Carolina's Greatest Hits, Shot-For-ShotComplete all of Carolina's Challenge Targets A Sample of Parque Fernando's FinestComplete Parque Fernando's Trophy Collection A World Class Hunting ReserveHarvest seven unique animal species in Parque Fernando Vicente Vargas ArcComplete Vicente Vargas' mission arc Chinita ArcComplete Beatriz Cabrera's mission arc Matmat ArcComplete Matias Mateo's mission arc Dr. Mariana Luna ArcComplete Dr. Mariana Luna's mission arc Juliana Ferrari ArcComplete Juliana Ferrari's mission arc Add-on Yukon Valley 361 80 8 0.001,08077 (7%) Sandy Murray ArcComplete Sandy Murray's mission arc Oscar Freeman ArcComplete Oscar Freeman's mission arc Kayla Johnson ArcComplete Kayla Johnson's mission arc Hank Pepper ArcComplete Hank Pepper's mission arc Bev Parker ArcComplete Bev Parker's mission arc A Step Closer to SourdoughComplete the Yukon Valley main mission arc Yukon Valley ArcComplete all the Yukon Valley mission arcs Grizzled VeteranHarvest your first grizzly bear Add-on Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve 127 30 3 0.0019435 (18%) Justice is servedComplete the Cuatro Colinas main mission arc Cuatro Colinas ArcComplete all of the Cuatro Colinas mission arcs The Slam of GloryHarvest 1 diamond male ibex of every species in Cuatro Colinas Add-on Silver Ridge Peaks 332 100 10 0.0065444 (7%) Gobble gobbleHarvest 50 turkeys You give love a bad nameDown 10 animals by hitting their heart with the Alexander Longbow Thanksgiving!Harvest a diamond turkey When they ruled the earthTake a picture of the dinosaur footprints Heavy WeightDown a plains bison with one single shot using the Alexander Longbow Better put this back upComplete the mission 'A Dangerous Reaction' Bear with MeComplete the mission 'Bear with Me' SabotageComplete the mission 'Old Haunts' Bear... with Her!Complete the mission 'Inner Peace, Outer Chaos' AscendedComplete the mission 'The Ascent'