Yuppie Psycho Achievements Full list of all 48 Yuppie Psycho achievements.The base game contains 37 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 11 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Deal with the DevilSigned the contract with Sintracorp. 1 guidePhotocopied SoulSaved your game with the photocopier. 1 guideWelcome to SintracorpAccessed Sintranet. 1 guideThe Hammer of WitchesGot Hexenhammer. 1 guideFamily PlotGot the photo of the Sintra family. 1 guideEmployee of the MonthCleared the poisonous air and talked to Dumont. 1 guideThe KeyGot the key to the graveyard. 1 guideSheFound the Witch. 1 guideBack to WorkWent back to your office after the party. 1 guideHead of the CompanyRebuilt the robot. 1 guideBreak the CurseWoke up Domori. 1 guideSweet Child o’ MineUsed Sintra’s swing. 1 guideMotivational MeetingPassed Colonel Dumont’s test without making any mistakes. 1 guideJunkmanGave Doshi what he was looking for. 1 guideCrow’s NestFound R.C.’s lair. 1 guideInk ThirstUsed an ink cartridge on the Dot Matrix. 1 guideShortcutPlaced three boxes in Office E. 1 guideCat's out of the BagFed Sosa’s cats. 1 guidePromotionPassed the Initiation test on the second floor. 1 guideVapor PoolTalked to Sintra in Sintranet’s pool. 1 guideCorruptFound the secret area in the Sintranet library. 1 guideBlessed ApparitionMet A.M. 1 guideVoiceListened to the “Voice” cassette. 1 guideMr. DevilUsed the Witch paper with the mirror. 1 guideAthameStole the dagger from Hugo’s hands. 1 guideWitch's SonSacrificed all your senses. 1 guideBe Kind, RewindGot the Videoclub Misterio VIP card. 1 guideWork FriendsSaved all your friends from the Witch's hands. 1 guideEnding: I’m better off at homeLeft the company without signing the contract. 1 guideEnding: FiredLeft the company after Hugo fired you. 1 guideEnding: Back homeLeft the company with Rei Sintra as the new CEO. 1 guideEnding: Stay with meWent to the rooftop with Kate. 1 guideCleaning BoyFound the truth of Hugo's identity. 1 guideSuper HugoDiscovered Hugo's final fate. 1 guideVirtual GhostFind Rei's ghost in Corvo's Sintranet. 1 guideUnique SoulDon’t use any photocopiers during the game. 1 guideFamiliarsFind all the familiar's illustrations. 1 guide Update Executive Edition 275 110 11 4.2524080 (33%) ControlWatch all the scenes in the video surveillance area. Forrest KaysenFind the secret of the numbers. Lost TapesWatch three lost tapes. Burn, Witch, Burn! PromotionPromote Mr. Chapman to the fourth floor. Big BrotherBeat the video surveillance boss. Oh, KalfouSteal the Dagger from the secret office. DaddyBecome Mr. Devil. Ending: Goodbye.Say goodbye to Sintra. Ending: The Boss of It All Ending: The Secret of My Success