World of Talesworth: Idle MMO Simulator Achievements Here is the full list of all 95 World of Talesworth: Idle MMO Simulator achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply KnowledgeLearned about achievements. All That GlittersOpened your first chest Loot AddictOpen 25 chests Chesty McChestingtonOpen 100 chests A Funny Chest PunOpen 250 Chests Srsly, This Is Too ManyOpen 1,000 chests Loot Loot LootOpen 10,000 chests Up And ComerCollected over 10,000 gold ThousandaireCollected over 100,000 gold Medieval MillionaireCollected over 1M gold The One PercentCollected over 10M gold TycoonCollected over 100M gold Whatever is Richer Than TycoonCollected over 1B gold I Have a ProblemCollected over 10B gold The Golden CarrotCollected over 100B gold Feelin' Pretty GoodHave 3 buffs active at the same time Flyin' HighHave 5 buffs active at the same time Buffy the Questing Speed SlayerHave 7 buffs active at the same time. Also, great show, but dumbest achievement name ever. BufftasticHave 9 buffs active at the same time. We're gonna need a bigger buff bar Buff Row Two, BabyHave 12 buffs active at the same time The Freaky FifteenHave 15 buffs active at the same time Twenty TimeHave 20 buffs active at the same time 25, Stayin' AliveHave 25 buffs active at the same time 34 Ways to WinHave 34 buffs active at the same time Picking Up SpeedRaise questing speed to 200% Greased WheelsRaise questing speed to 300% Flash! Ahhhhh! Savior of the Universe!Raise questing speed to 500% Going HAMRaise questing speed to 700% The 1K ClubRaise questing speed to 1000% Feared in RevelationsRaise questing speed to 1500% Remember Y2K? Be Careful.Raise questing speed to 2000% Hermes IncarnateRaise questing speed to 2500% The BlurRaise questing speed to 4000% Probably CheatingRaise questing speed to 6000% Got GudRaise questing speed to 10,000% Sleepy TimeFall asleep at the keyboard while playing Druid in TrainingGather 100 crafting materials Herbing InitiateGather 1,000 crafting materials Farming ProGather 10,000 crafting materials Crafter For LifeGather 100,000 crafting materials Is This PossibleGather 1M crafting materials Guild LobbyistHave 10 members in your guild Guild MogulHave 100 members in your guild We Need An ExpansionHave 200 members in your guild Elitist JerkReject a guild applicant First PrestigePrestige for the first time Just Getting Warmed UpPrestige 5 times - adds a monitor to your player room! Groundhog DayPrestige 20 times In It To Win ItPrestige 50 times The Prestigiest EverPrestige 1000 times The Holy TrinityMake a party with a tank, dps and heals Master Your ClassReach level 60 with a character My First AltReach level 60 with 2 characters I've Got Alt-itisReach level 60 with 5 characters Gotta Collect 'Em Allreach level 60 with 10 characters Apprentice CrafterCraft 100 items Journeyman CrafterCraft 1,000 items Artisan CrafterCraft 5,000 items OCD CrafterCraft 10,000 items FactorioCraft 100,000 items Achievement HorderUnlock 30 Achievements Now You Have 61Unlock 60 Achievements LUA ErrorsInstall your first mod UI SnobInstall 10 mods Time to UpgradePurchase an Upgrade UpgrenadierPurchase 10 upgrades AuctioneerSell 10 items in the auction house The Auction House is Also a Game!Sell 100 items in the auction house Noob GougerSell 1,000 items in the auction house GroupieGroup up with a guildie Forming VoltronForm a group of five guildies Clickmaster's FuryKill a monster by clicking before the characters get to it The Ultimate CurrencySpend tacos to buy something Dirty TacoFind a taco while out questing Brown NoserGet a promotion at your job Climbing The LadderGet 3 promotions at your job BMOCGet 6 promotions at your job HustlerEarn over 100 dollars Movin' UpEarn over 1,000 dollars Get That Cash MoneyEarn over 10,000 dollars Dollar Dollar BillsEarn over 100,000 dollars Let There Be LightReplace the lightbulb in the Talesworth Forest Dr. Who's ApprenticeSpent 100 research points Grand MaesterSpent 1000 research points Legendary LegendEquip a character with five pieces of legendary gear Legendary PartyForm a five person party where each character is wearing five pieces of legendary gear The Fabled AdventurerEquip a character with five pieces of fabled gear The Fab Fabled FamForm a raid with ten characters where each is wearing five pieces of fabled gear Casually SeriousDefeat all raid bosses on the first difficulty Asmongold's ApostlesClear the first heroic raid difficulty (11) Method Would Be ProudClear the first mythic raid difficulty (21) No Need For FriendsTen box a raid Under The MattressHave 1,000,000,000a gold at one time Tony StarkHave 1,000,000,000b gold at one time Meet MaxMake a new friend