Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Achievements Full list of all 73 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II achievements.The base game contains 49 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 24 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 23 Online Mode 45 Online/Offline 44 Single Player 13 Main Storyline 6 Difficulty Specific 6 Stackable 5 Cumulative + 4 Missable 3 Level 49 Cooperative 18 Versus 7 Host Only 2 Time/Date 1 x3 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (4)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply There Is Only WarTerminate 500 enemy targets in Dawn of War II. 1 guideDeath from AboveKill 20 enemies using Assault Jump in Dawn of War II. 1 guideSweeping AdvanceKill an enemy who is retreating in Dawn of War II. 1 guideEmperor's ChampionKill a boss using only your Force Commander in Dawn of War II. 1 guideLightning AssassinKill a boss in less than one minute in Dawn of War II. 1 guideWelcome to CalderisComplete "Stand With Your Brothers" and "Retake the Hamlet" in Dawn of War II. 1 guideRant All You WillComplete "The True Enemy" in Dawn of War II. 1 guideThe Cleansing BeginsComplete "The Defense of Argus Gate" in Dawn of War II. 1 guideAstronomicalRecover the data from the Astronomic Array in Dawn of War II. Even In Death I Still ServeComplete "Into the Hive" in Dawn of War II. Heroes of Angel GateComplete "Secrets of Angel Forge" in Dawn of War II. Fight to SurviveComplete campaign on Recruit difficulty in Dawn of War II. Hold back the XenosComplete campaign on Sergeant difficulty in Dawn of War II. Win the WarComplete campaign on Captain difficulty in Dawn of War II. Allies to the CauseComplete a mission in co-op mode in Dawn of War II. Allies to the ChapterComplete 15 missions in co-op in Dawn of War II. Battle BrothersComplete the campaign in co-op in Dawn of War II. Dug InSuccessfully defend 5 Strategic Assets in Dawn of War II. 1 guideMassacreComplete 10 missions in a row without failing in Dawn of War II. 1 guideNot one inchDefend a province without losing a single generator in Dawn of War II. 1 guideThat's Close EnoughComplete a mission with only ranged weapons in Dawn of War II. 1 guideRush 'emComplete a mission under five minutes in Dawn of War II. Purge the XenosEarn a 5 star Fury rating in Dawn of War II. 1 guideFeel No PainEarn a 5 star Resilience rating in Dawn of War II. 1 guideFleet of FootEarn a 5 star Speed rating in Dawn of War II. 1 guideThe Book of HonorGet 15 stars on one mission in Dawn of War II. Fast AttackGain a second deployment in a single day in Dawn of War II. 1 guideTireless warriorGain a third deployment in a single day in Dawn of War II. 1 guideHero of the ImperiumAttain a campaign score of over 30,000 points in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests. 1 guideLegendAttain a campaign score of over 90,000 points in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests. 1 guideIn the name of the EmperorOwn all Strategic Assets in a campaign in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests. 1 guideEliteMax out a Combat Discipline on a squad in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests. 1 guideHeavy SupportReach level 20 with one of your squads in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests. 1 guideElite Strike ForceCreate a 3 player party and play a ranked multiplayer game together in Dawn of War II. GladiatorPlay 10 ranked multiplayer games in Dawn of War II. Wisdom of the AncientsView a recorded game in Dawn of War II. Veteran Victor100 ranked wins in Dawn of War II. Aspect Warrior20 online ranked games completed with Eldar in Dawn of War II. Angel of Death20 online ranked games played with Space Marines in Dawn of War II. A proper Waaagh!20 online ranked games completed with Orks in Dawn of War II. Great Devourer20 online ranked games completed with Tyranids in Dawn of War II. Hail the ChampionEarn Champion rating 20 times during online ranked play in Dawn of War II. Master of the ApothecarionRevive your teammates 50 times during online ranked play in Dawn of War II. Winning rushEarn a 5 game win streak during online ranked play in Dawn of War II. Flawless victoryAchieve an online ranked victory with 500 victory points remaining in Dawn of War II. Red Ones Go Fastah!Create a customized look for any race in the Army Painter in Dawn of War II. Crush the EnemyComplete campaign on Primarch difficulty in Dawn of War II. The WarbossComplete "Raid Against the Warboss" in Dawn of War II. The Avatar of KhaineComplete "The Wailing Doom" in Dawn of War II. Add-on Chaos Rising 872 240 24 4.5088352 (6%) Chaos LordPlay 20 ranked games using Chaos in Chaos Rising. Blood GodWin a ranked game using only Khorne-themed units in Chaos Rising. Plague FatherWin a ranked game using only Nurgle-themed units in Chaos Rising. Bringer of ChangeWin a ranked game using only Tzeentch-themed units in Chaos Rising. Chaos UndividedWin a ranked Team Battle with each Chaos hero on the team in Chaos Rising. King of the HillWin 10 online Free for All matches in Chaos Rising. ManipulatorScore 500,000 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising. OverlordReach level 20 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising. UsurperBeat wave 20 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising. The Emperor's JusticeDefeat the Traitor Guardsmen on Aurelia in Chaos Rising. The Enemy ExposedDefeat the true enemy attacking Angel Forge in Chaos Rising. The Challenge AnsweredAnswer the enemy commander's challenge on Aurelia in Chaos Rising. Enemy of ChaosComplete campaign on Recruit difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising. Conqueror of ChaosComplete campaign on Sergeant difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising. Bane of ChaosComplete campaign on Captain difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising. End of ChaosComplete campaign on Primarch difficulty in Chaos Rising. Common FoeComplete 1 Chaos Rising mission in co-op. Duty is its own RewardComplete 6 Chaos Rising missions as a GUEST in Co-Op. Bad ExampleGet any squad to maximum Corruption in Chaos Rising. Not available to guests. RelentlessReach level 30 with any campaign squad in Chaos Rising. Not available to guests. Forbidden KnowledgeUnlock the dark secrets of "The Fate of Galan" in Chaos Rising. PuristComplete a mission on the Space Hulk with 4 Terminators in Chaos Rising. DominationHold 5+ victory points at once in an online Free for All in Chaos Rising. Taint Your WagonDestroy a Wartrukk with a Noxious Cloud during a ranked game in Chaos Rising.