Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters Achievements Full list of all 68 Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters achievements.The base game contains 59 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 9 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply An Ill OmenComplete your investigations on Koramar 1 guideA Foul CrecheUnearth the truth at Usa'rya A Gift SpurnedDefeat Aeger the Benevolent Junk BanishmentDefeat Morgellus, the Corroded Prince Harvest No MoreDefeat Malathian the Harvester Engine KillDefeat Cruciatus the Generous Death Comes For AllDefeat Munificus the Undying DaemonkeeperCapture Kadex Long Distance CallContact Kaldor Draigo at Sacrista Legend of TitanAchieve victory on Legendary difficulty Grand MasterAchieve victory in Grand Master mode Crisis ManagementAchieve victory by Day 500 Clean SlateAchieve victory before any Bloom Flowerings occur Mass ExtinctionUse Exterminatus 5 times in a Campaign Tactical FlexibilityUnlock all Stratagems Patron of DeimosComplete all Ship System upgrades Mind Like a FortressAcquire 20 Grimoires The Flesh is WeakAcquire 5 Augmetics on a single knight True MasteryHave a knight learn all available class skills Honoured Battle-BrotherPromote a knight to Rank 9 Strike ForceFill the Barracks with 20 knights Nemesis MasterAcquire a Master Craft Level 3 Melee weapon GunmasterAcquire a Master Craft Level 3 Ranged weapon The Emperor ProtectsAcquire a Master Craft Level 3 suit of Armour ExecutionerExecute an enemy ExterminatorExecute 50 enemies OpportunistKill 20 enemies with environment objects 1 guideCorruption CleanserDestroy 50 Bloomspawn Hands-On ResearchKill 10 enemies with Inquisitor Vakir Friendly FireGet an enemy to kill one of its allies Watch Where You Step...Kill an enemy by knocking it back Not So Fast...Kill an enemy with an Auto Blood for the Blood God!Kill an enemy with the Bleed Affliction Purging SpreeKill 5 enemies with the same knight in a single turn 1 guidePhalanxWin a mission using only Justicars Firing SquadWin a mission using only Purgators Warp FlickersWin a mission using only Interceptors Field ApothecarionWin a mission using only Apothecaries Brothers in ArmsWin a mission with only 2 knights Just a ScratchWin a mission using only knights with Light Wounds or worse BloodlessWin a mission without taking damage Exercise in RestraintWin a Spreading or Flowering mission without using Willpower Efficient KillerWin a mission without using Ammo Unstable ImmateriumTrigger 10 Warp Surge events in a single mission Look Over There!Disrupt an enemy's Overwatch or Suppressive Fire Surgical ExcisionCollect a Seed using the Extractor Servo-Skull Hold Your GroundDefeat Kadex at Usa'rya Standard-Issue KillerWin the final mission without any Master Crafted equipment Only in DeathAcquire the Venerable Dreadnought For the Machine GodPurge all Archeotech Excavation Sites FleetmasterAcquire the Pious Absolution Blood and IronKill 50 enemies with the Dreadnought Drone ArmyKill 50 enemies with Combat Servitors DominusKill 10 enemies with Dominus Lunete Arsenal of DestructionAcquire all available weapons for the Dreadnought Strategic CommandWin 10 deployments with the Pious Absolution Master of the ForgeWin a mission using only Techmarines PreservationistRecover 5 Archeotech Caches in missions Not a Mote of CorruptionDestroy an Archeotech Excavation Site Add-on Execution Force 314 90 9 0.00506 (12%) Execution ForceAcquire all Assassins at once Reign of ConfusionPromote a Callidus Assassin to Rank 9 AbominationPromote a Culexus Assassin to Rank 9 Killing RampagePromote an Eversor Assassin to Rank 9 DeadshotPromote a Vindicare Assassin to Rank 9 Hive ExterminatorDestroy a Tentarus Hive Tactical SabotageBoard and destroy a Death Guard Cruiser Suffer Not the MutantExecute 10 Tainted Sons Enemies Terminal MeltdownKill an enemy with Bio-Meltdown