Warface Achievements Here is the full list of all 67 Warface achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 1 Offline Mode 67 Online Mode 1 Single Player 30 Cooperative 27 Versus 7 Difficulty Specific 2 Collectable 1 Missable 49 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 3 Level 4 Online Skill 4 Time/Date 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 18 Time Consuming 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (1)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Straight AimKill 100 enemies while aiming. High RollerAcquire rank 10. Fire in the HolePerform 10 grenadiers. 1 guideDeadly DefibKill 10 enemies with the Defibrillator. Silent HunterKill 100 enemy players using a silenced weapon. HumiliatorKill 100 enemies with the butt of your weapon. 1 guideSnake in the GrassKill 100 enemies while being prone in PvP. Treasure HunterCollect 100 Crowns. Team PlayerWin 10 Team Death Matches. Warhead ChaserWin 10 Capture matches. Father of all BombsWin 100 Plant the Bomb matches. Destruction MarathonWin 100 Destruction matches. MultifragKill 5 enemies with a single grenade. Office RatKill 500 enemies in the Tower Raid Mission. United we StandWin 100 Team Death Matches. HurricaneWin 100 Storm matches. Last Man StandingWin 50 Free for All matches. Gun MasterKill 10 Heavy Gunners in a Hardcore Co-op mode. Gimme a Five!Complete 5 stages in a row in the Tower Raid Mission. Too big for the elevatorKill the Heavy Gunner in the Tower Raid mission. MeatmanPerform 50 butcher kills. 1 guideGoing AtomicInflict 100,000 damage to enemies. Warhead BearerCarry the warhead to your base 100 times. Eagle EyeKill 500 enemies with a Sniper Rifle without using zoom. Generosity to the EnemyAccomplish 100 mine doublekills with Directional Mines. SaviourRevive 10,000 teammates. Money BagsEarn $500,000 in-game. HoarderCollect 10,000 crowns. Warface ChiefAchieve 70th rank. SurvivorComplete 19 stages in a row in the Tower Raid Mission. God of WarAchieve 80th rank. SociableMake 20 friends. Mars explorerComplete the "Mars" special operation on Easy. Mars settlerComplete "Mars" special operation on Normal. Mars invaderComplete the "Mars" special operation on Hard. Eat it, Elon MuskConditions for achievement are unknown. I can plant potatoes here!Eliminate 1,000 enemies in special operation "Mars" (Hard) with each class. Hardcore Red spidersDestroy 500 spider mines in Mars on Hard. DisconnectorDestroy 5 Grenade Launcher or Flamethrower SEDs in the "Mars" special operation on Hard. Professional headhunterPerform 1,000 double headshots in PvE mode. InvulnerableFinish 100 PvE-missions without dying on the Hard difficulty. Phalanx DownEliminate 500 shield-using enemies. DisparagementEliminate the Heavy Gunner with a pistol 500 times. Two's CompanyAssist a buddy 1,000 times. Slide and DiceEliminate 2,500 players while sliding in PVP. Shining OnePerform 10 triple kills with any weapon in the Blitz mode. The Best HunterTake the 1st place in the Bag and Tag mode 1,000 times. CaptivatingWin 1,000 Capture matches. Regimental CommanderWin 1,000 Team Death Match matches. Dangerously explosiveWin 1,000 Plant the Bomb matches. Total annihilationWin 1,000 Destruction matches. TornadoWin 1,000 Storm matches. Dominator AlgorithmWin 1,500 Domination matches. Bloody NomadWin 1,000 Free For All matches. Gold Legendary SquadEnd a ranked season at versus rank 1. Elite Carbon SquadEnd a ranked season at versus rank 2-4. Silver Veterans SquadEnd a ranked season at versus rank 5-7. Special Metal Forces SquadEnd a ranked season at versus rank 8-10. Whatever It TakesComplete operation "Hydra" without being killed. Safe And SoundFinish operation "Hydra" 10 times. Master Of The ArenaComplete operation "Hydra" as all 5 classes. The Art Of ExplosionEliminate 100 enemies with explosive barrels in operation "Hydra". Anti-Tank Defence UnitDestroy 10 armored vehicles in the "Blackwood" operation. Omega BlackComplete the "Blackwood" operation by all five classes. Anti-aircraft warfareDestroy the helicopter in the "Blackwood" operation 15 times. Alpha and OmegaComplete the "Blackwood" operation without being killed. To Hell and BackComplete the "Blackwood" operation 15 times.