Volcanoids Achievements Here is the full list of all 40 Volcanoids achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Underminer!Claim your own drillship Robot destroyerKill 10 Cogs EnvironmentalistMine 100 coal MinerMine 1000 coal Robot killerKill 100 Cogs ExtenderInstall drillship segment upgrade TechnologistCollect technology component WinnerFinish the story 1 guideSilencer ISilence one lava source Silencer IISilence two lava sources Silencer IIISilence three lava sources Extra protection 1 guideDon't disturb 1 guideFull extenderMake drillship as long as possible MultitaskingHave 5 control stations running at the same time Captain who?Win the game without taking any quest No time to wasteWin the game in 7 hours or less EnvironmentalistWin the game without having more than one power plant at any time MicromanagerWin the game without having more than one storage module at any time Plot armorSurvive eruption in a cool improvised shelter Death from belowKill an enemy with helper drone in an unconventional way Hot TubKill a large drone by making it fall into a lava pool Funko COGPick up a collectible hidden somewhere on the island 1 guideGroundedDestroy a large drone with your pickaxe "Aaah"Take your first sip of coffee Serial SipperGet multiple back to back caffeine induced speed boosts You horned your last honkDestroy a tank by hitting its weak spot UNLIMITED POWER!Hit 6 enemies with the Tesla Cannon at the same time Whac A Mole!Destroy an enemy mining drone Drill FortressHave 3 support drones deployed at the same time Designated MedicRevive a teammate 5 times Close CallDive 20s before the eruption Run Cowards!Scare off 10 COGs using a COG limb as a weapon Volcanic VirtuosoCollect all the phonograph tracks scattered around various points of interests on the island Master ArchitectUse your first drillship blueprint Paintjob ProUse your first paintjob which you got from the workshop Make them dance!Help the cogs throw the best party ever Kill It With FireKill your first spider enemy Poke The BearShoot the spider’s periscope before it spotted you System shutdownDestroy 3 COG structures