Victoria 3 Achievements

Full list of all 97 Victoria 3 achievements.

The base game contains 45 achievements, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 52 achievements.

  • Peccavi

    Starting as the British India Company, fully own the states of Sind and Punjab

  • Perkeletankki

    Starting as Finland, produce at least 100 units of tanks every week

  • Barbary's Back

    Starting as Algeria, retake Algiers and become a Major Power

  • Minors, not Miners

    Starting as Lanfang, incorporate all states in Borneo and have the 'Compulsory Primary School' law

  • The Healthy Man of Europe

    Starting as the Ottomans, be the Greatest Power while having max level Public Health Insurance

  • Habsburg Resurgence

    Starting as Austria, own Silesia and Prussia must be Minor Power or lower rank

  • The Great Game

    Starting as Russia, own the entire Central Asia region

  • Bourbon for everyone!

    Starting as Spain, have an average standard of living of at least 20 while remaining a monarchy

  • Manifest Mexico

    Starting as Mexico, own the Pacific Coast & Great Plains, and have a higher Power Rank than the USA

  • American Territory

    Starting as the Indian Territory, have the USA as a subject with no more than three states

  • Reading Campaign

    Starting as a nation with less than 20% literacy, get to 100% literacy

  • We are not amused

    Starting as Great Britain, Expel French Diplomats while having Cordial or better relations

  • Institutional

    Have an institution at maximum investment level

  • Poppydock

    Have at least a level 8 port and export at least 2500 units of Opium to foreign markets

  • Grander Colombia

    Form Grand Colombia and own all land in the Gran Colombia, Andes, and La Plata strategic regions

  • Inventive

    Research all technologies across all three categories

  • Educated

    Complete the 'Learn the Game' objective

  • Tycoon

    Complete the 'Economic Dominance' objective

  • Hegemon

    Complete the 'Hegemon' objective

  • Caretaker

    Complete the 'Egalitarian Society' objective

  • Star-Swarmed Banner

    As the United States, have 100 incorporated states represented on your flag


Update 1.3

15 (2%)
Update 1.3

Colossus of the South

14 (3%)
Colossus of the South

Update 1.7

7 (2%)
Update 1.7
  • Bootlicker

    As a subject, have the pro-overlord lobby at max appeasement

  • I'm the Captain Now

    Look at me. As a member of a power bloc, win the struggle for power bloc leadership

  • The New Order

    Have a fully decked out power bloc

  • Hyperpeace

    As any country, have both Finland and Korea in your power bloc

  • Durran Durran

    As Herat, form Afghanistan, own all the historical states of the old Durrani Empire, and do not be a member of any power bloc led by any other country

  • Great Game no re

    Complete the Great Game Objective

  • Honor and Life

    As Circassia, complete the Honor Before Life journal entry

  • Iranzamin

    As Persia, complete the Eastern Frontier Journal Entry, and have a literacy rating of 80%

  • For Twelve Years You Have Been Asking

    Privatize all buildings and prevent them from being state or worker-owned for 12 whole years

  • Can't Touch This

    As a country with at least 10% of your GDP owned by a foreign power, nationalize all buildings and prevent them from being privatized for 12 whole years

  • Standard Oil

    Own at least 30 levels of oil rigs in foreign countries

  • Diplomatic Victory

    As a Great Power, have a pro-country lobby for your country in every other Great Power

  • Hermit Kingdom

    As Korea, act on the Donghak movement's petitions

  • Cult of Reason

    Pass the State Atheism Law and be the leader of an ideological power bloc with at least 10 members

  • Declaration of Independence

    Starting as a subject nation, break free from your overlord


Pivot of Empire

4 (2%)
Pivot of Empire
  • ProleCorp

    As a council republic with command economy, have a company at max prosperity

  • Azadi

    As the Mughal Empire, complete the Prisoner of the Red Fort journal entry, expel the British, and bring all of India under your control

  • Be Prepared!

    Be prepared and avert a famine during a high-intensity harvest condition

  • On the Edge

    As Punjab, have four rulers die during the Sikh Sovereignty Journal Entry, before successfully completing it

  • Caste Away

    Enact Affirmative Action as a country with the British Indian caste system

  • The Real Movement

    Have a Communist Movement with support over 50%

  • Folkhemmet

    As Sweden, enact Corporate State and have level 5 Social Security, Health, and Workplace Safety institutions

  • Cosmopolitan

    Have 10 non-primary cultures present in your country, and have all their constituent pops be at Full Acceptance

  • Our Words are Backed...

    Have Gandhi as your head of state, whilst having Infamy over 100

  • The Man Who Would be King

    Unify Afghanistan as Kafiristan under Josiah Harlan