VIVIDLOPE Achievements Full list of all 34 VIVIDLOPE achievements.The base game contains 32 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply GrasshopperClear all Level 1 stages. Party AnimalClear all Level 2 stages. Hide adsDipperClear all Level 3 stages. FearlessClear all Level 4 stages. FirestarterClear all Level 5 stages. Ice BreakerClear all Level 6 stages. GliderClear all Level 7 stages. TechnicianClear all Level 8 stages. SuperstarClear all Level 9 stages. AngelClear the game as Cerise. DreamerClear the game as Ecru. SwankyGet one S rank in Story mode. SuperbGet S ranks in all stages within any level but final in Story mode. SplendidGet S ranks in all stages in Story mode. VIVIDLOCAGet one V rank in Story mode. VIVIDLORDGet V ranks in all stages within any level but final in Story mode. VIVIDLOVEGet V ranks in all stages in Story mode. PerfectionistGet a V rank without breaking the chain. NinjaGet a V rank in any Level 8 or 9 stage without breaking the chain. Loop de LoopClear an Endless mode loop. ChallengerWin a Gauntlet mode game. ConquerorWin a Gauntlet mode game in the highest score bracket. ExplorerWin or lose Gauntlet mode games in all score brackets. Show-offWin a Gauntlet mode game without ever getting knocked out. FashionistaObtain all attires for both characters. No WastePick up the second Bonus Fruit after losing the first one. Hungry!Pick up both Bonus Fruits at (almost) the same time. CrusherDefeat 4 enemies with one Impact. RoadkillDefeat 4 enemies with one kicked Roller. ???Jump over a grounded UFO. Dragon SlayerDefeat a Draco with a falling star. FortuneDefeat a four-leaf Clover. Update Version 1.4 174 20 2 0.0011 (100%) Legend Hurt