3. Tree Simulator 2022 Story walkthrough

On to completing the game!

Phase 1:

Go ahead and launch the game. Press ESC and press the option for "RED TIE". This will get you can achievement.

Red tie

Trees love red ties.

Red tie

Then, drag the "Camera Speed" slider all the way to the right, and turn on Auto Rotate. you will get another achievement.

Dizzy tree

Don't fall down!

Dizzy tree

And.... That's it for phase 1!

Phase 2 & 3:

I'll leave this note at the beginning since it's important. You want to check the Steam forums for Tree Simulator every so often to see if there's a public event being planned. You CANNOT do this on your own, and you will need 99 other people willing to join the game simultaneously. Therefore, you will need to wait for there to be a public event. It should be pretty obvious if there is one on the Steam forums. It's important to take advantage of it as soon as you can, it only happens a couple times a year, and there may be a limited number of times left, as less people become interested in the game. There are no public lobbies. The only way to play multiplayer is to either join someone or have people join you.

Once you're present in a game with 99 other trees, (100 total) you'll get all of these achievements.

2 tree forest

1 is now 2 and the forest grows.

2 tree forest
4 tree forest

You and your friends will be trees forever.

4 tree forest
10 tree forest

Your forest is great and will spread far and wide.

10 tree forest
25 tree forest

You sure know a lot of trees.

25 tree forest
50 tree forest

I am one with the forest, the forest is with me.

50 tree forest
100 tree forest

The forest is now complete and will go on forever.

100 tree forest

With that done, or while waiting for that to occur, our only goal is to idle for 10,000 hours total. This is a MASSIVE amount of time. (420 days) so get ready for a long haul. You can still use your PC while idling, but the game will always be in Fullscreen mode. There's no way to circumvent this without manipulating game files. This is probably the longest idle achievement on Steam. It's also worth mentioning that you can play the game on a different PC and your time will pick up where it left off.

First of all, there's an RNG achievement that you're guaranteed to get by the time you're done. There will be a time where some UFO's show up. When that happens, (at a random time) you will get this achievement.


The other trees will never believe you.


Now, it's just pure time. Let the time advance and profit!

After five minutes, you will receive this achievement.

Review tree

Be a tree for 5 minutes, you can now review being a tree.

Review tree

After 1 hour, you will receive this achievement.

Meditation tree

You have achieved true inner peace.

Meditation tree

After 2 hours, you will receive this achievement.

Aspen tree

This is not a joke to you, you are the tree.

Aspen tree

After 5 hours, you will receive this achievement.

Caution tree

You are now a tree forever.

Caution tree

After 10 hours, you will receive this achievement.

Professor tree

You are now qualified to teach others about trees.

Professor tree

Now, you have longer stretches in between achievements. After 500 hours, (20.8 days) you will receive this achievement

Tree tacular

You are the tree master chief leans on.

Tree tacular

After 1,000 hours, (41.7 days) you will receive this achievement

Unstoppable tree

Some say the tree is not mightier than the storm, but the tree is the storm.

Unstoppable tree

After, 2,000 hours, (83.3 days) you will receive this achievement

Legend tree

Humans speculate on your age, they try to study you but you give them splinters and they die.

Legend tree

After 5,000 hours, (208.3 days) you will receive this achievement

Outside tree

You can now go outside and t-pose in public as a tree repeating the phrase "Tree" over and over.

Outside tree

After 10,000 (!!!) hours, (416.7 days) you will receive this achievement

Bro tree

Do you even tree bro? You have bragging rights, other trees cannot compete.

Bro tree

And will have completed the game! Congrats! You can now give your computer(s) a break.

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