Transport Fever 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 61 Transport Fever 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 61 Offline Mode 61 Single Player 4 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 1 Level 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply First bus stopBuild a bus stop. First train stationBuild a passenger train station. First lineCreate a line with at least two stops. First bus arrivedBuy a bus and run a line. First steam train arrivedBuy a steam train and run a line. First ship arrivedBuy a ship and run a line. First electric train arrivedBuy an electric train and run a line. First aircraft arrivedBuy an aircraft and run a line. First passenger waitingSetup a line so that town residents use your vehicles. First passenger on boardHave a passenger on a vehicle. First industry upgradedLet a manufacturing industry upgrade. Transport millionaireAccumulate a fortune of 1 million (without debt). Transport masterAccumulate a fortune of 10 millions (without debt). Transport sharkAccumulate a fortune of 100 millions (without debt). Transport tycoonAccumulate a fortune of 1 billion (without debt). Transport shark (Hard mode)Accumulate a fortune of 100 millions (without debt) in Hard mode. 1 guideTransport tycoon (Hard mode)Accumulate a fortune of 1 billion (without debt) in Hard mode. First cargo item waitingHave a cargo item waiting at a terminal. First cargo item on boardHave a cargo item transported with one of your vehicles. Crowd in a trainHave a train filled with at least 100 passengers. No free seatsHave a train filled with at least 200 passengers. Heavily loadedHave a train filled with at least 250 cargo items. CityHave a town with a population of at least 750. MetropolisHave a town with a population of at least 1500. 1 guideGlacier expressHave a train that reaches higher than 450 meters. IndustrialistHave every industry shipping items using your transport network. Mass productionReach 400 production at a manufacturing industry. Cannot get enoughBuild a train line with at least 10 trains in motion. Truck FeverEarn 50 millions not using any train. AntiqueKeep a train built before 1900 running until the year 2000. Train FeverReach the year 2050 using only trains. Museum lineBuild one line containing at least one of every passenger road vehicle that was available between 1850 and 2020. 2 guidesThe ugly smell of successHave at least 300 passengers waiting in a train station. Penny pincherDon't take any additional loan until the year 2050. Speed of lightReach a top speed of 300 km/h. High speedReach a top speed of 120 km/h. CadetComplete the first mission of the campaign. Old timerComplete the first era of the campaign. Campaign expertComplete the first and second era of the campaign. Campaign sharkComplete the entire campaign. Exemplary studentEarn all medals in one of the missions. Campaign tycoonEarn all medals of the entire campaign. Back to the futureUsing the time control, go back in time. Settled downBuild the company headquarters. Transport corporationReach the maximum headquarters level. Now what?Have two trains stuck facing each other. Louis FavreHave 100km of tunnels. Charles Alton EllisHave 50km of bridges. Trans-Siberian RailwayHave 400km of tracks. Climate changePlay a game in all three climates. Big spenderHave a monthly maintenance cost of 200 million. Not in my backyardReach an emission value of 80 in a town. The king of the seaEarn 1 million with ships within a month. Aircraft entrepreneurEarn 1 million with airplanes within a month. Cargo hubHave at least 300 cargo items waiting at a train station. No country for old trainsHave all tracks electrified and high speed. Have at least 100km of tracks. Transport beltHave a train longer than the longest possible station. The future is now, old manReach the present. E.P.E.C.Deliver every product to every city that requires it. SculpturerUse the terrain tool to change the terrain. Bob RossUse the paint tool to change the terrain.