Game action
Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 61 Transport Fever 2 achievements.

  • Mass production

    Reach 400 production at a manufacturing industry.

  • Cannot get enough

    Build a train line with at least 10 trains in motion.

  • Truck Fever

    Earn 50 millions not using any train.

  • Antique

    Keep a train built before 1900 running until the year 2000.

  • Train Fever

    Reach the year 2050 using only trains.

  • Museum line

    Build one line containing at least one of every passenger road vehicle that was available between 1850 and 2020.

    2 guides
  • The ugly smell of success

    Have at least 300 passengers waiting in a train station.

  • Penny pincher

    Don't take any additional loan until the year 2050.

  • E.P.E.C.

    Deliver every product to every city that requires it.

  • Sculpturer

    Use the terrain tool to change the terrain.

  • Bob Ross

    Use the paint tool to change the terrain.