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Tomb of The Lost Sentry

Tomb of The Lost Sentry Achievements

Here is the full list of all 31 Tomb of The Lost Sentry achievements.

  • Home Sweet Home

    Best Jill in hand-to-hand combat and open the way to The Dungeon

  • Dungeon Blues

    Best Nye in a game of lawn darts and open the way to The Foyer

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  • Small Favors

    Best Lee in a game of catch and open the way to The Boiler Room

  • Steel Yourself

    Survive an encounter with something terrible and make a new ally.

  • Place of Worship

    Best Rae in a game of tag and learn an awful truth.

  • Going Deeper

    Best Jack in a second round of hand-to-hand combat and gain access to The Catacombs

  • Buried Past

    Find where all the sentrymen went and make yet another ally.

  • Goodbye

    Finish everything you set out to do and leave this terrible place behind you.

  • Lie of Omission

    Confront Dee and earn your freedom.

  • One Who is Revered

    Confront The Reverend and put an end to his plans.

  • False Dichotomy

    Embrace the third position.

  • (Brie)f Shortcut

    Yes, it does smell like cheese in here.

  • Rude

    There are children in third world countries who don't even get cutscenes, and you have the AUDACITY to skip one I MADE for you!?

  • Pro Gamer Move

    Ignore a perfectly good escape route and walk right out the front door.

  • Ouch

    That's gonna hurt in the morning.

  • The Worm

    Perfect for early birds such as yourself.

  • Dee-feated

    Complete the first ending in a Death Race

  • Rever-ended

    Complete the second ending in a Death Race.

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