Toki Tori Achievements Here is the full list of all 38 Toki Tori achievements. It takes around 10-12 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The AnswerUse 42 InstantRocks™ to finish a level JeffUse 32 bridges to finish a level DizzyMake Toki Tori dizzy Cold as IceFreeze 50 monsters Short-order CookCollect 100 eggs ApprenticeCollect 200 eggs Sous-chefCollect 500 eggs Chef de CuisineCollect 1000 eggs Hard BoiledFinish all hard levels Who are you going to call?Trap 30 ghosts CheapskateFinish a level without using all items So SadMake Toki Tori look sad Close EncounterGet really close to a monster Harderwijk Fried ChickenFall into the lava EggdurancePlay Toki Tori for 60 minutes without being idle for more than 2 minutes EscargoneSuck up 30 slugs 1 guideCold FeetStand on an ice block for 12 seconds StackmateTrap Toki Tori between two Switchbricks Deep FriedTelewarp directly into lava True ChampionComplete all normal levels without using the Wildcard Never gonna give you up!Press "Try Again" 10 times on one level Master ChefWatch the ending Forest FallsComplete all Forest Falls normal levels Forest Falls HardComplete all Forest Falls hard levels Creepy CastleComplete all Creepy Castle normal levels Creepy Castle HardComplete all Creepy Castle hard levels Slimy SewerComplete all Slimy Sewer normal levels Slimy Sewer HardComplete all Slimy Sewer hard levels Bubble BarrageComplete all Bubble Barrage normal levels Bubble Barrage HardComplete all Bubble Barrage hard levels Tunnel of LoveFind the Tunnel of Love All I got was this lousy T-ShirtFinish Forest Falls, Bonus 3 You found me. Finally.Find her. Test LabComplete all Test Lab normal levels It beams to workStand in the beam in Test Lab bonus level 2 Spill the beamsStand in the beam in Test Lab bonus level 6 Get a tanStand in all sun beams Catch a ColdCollect all ten snowflakes that appear in December before they melt