The Witcher Adventure Game Achievements Here is the full list of all 37 The Witcher Adventure Game achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 3 Offline Mode 3 Online Mode 31 Online/Offline 34 Single Player 37 Versus 28 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Don't walk awayBecome delyed 50 times OverachieverComplete 100 quests in all games The next best thingComplete 100 side quests in all games Helping HandComplete 100 support quests in all games Die die my darlingFlip 100 wounds to their severe side in all games Where am I going to put all this?Collect 100 gold in all games Welcome to Vivaldi Bank!Collect 500 gold in all games Vivaldi's best clientCollect 1000 gold in all games Shut up and take my money!Lose 100 gold coins in all games Shani would be impressedHeal 100 wounds in all games Nenneke would be proudHeal 100 severe wounds in all games BookwormCollect 100 blue leads in all games Oxenfurt lecturerCollect 500 blue leads in all games Fount of knowledgeCollect 1000 blue leads in all games Budding emissaryCollect 100 purple leads in all games Veteran DiplomatCollect 500 purple leads in all games Advisor to KingsCollect 1000 purple leads in all games Wanna fight?Collect 100 red leads in all games Trust me - you don't want to fight meCollect 500 red leads in all games Warned you!Collect 1000 red leads in all games Prince of darknessPlace 13 FF tokens in total on other players hero sheets in all games MasochistReceive 100 wounds in all games BDSM aficionadoReceive 100 severe wounds in all games Luck never made a man wiseRemove 100 foul fate tokens from a hero sheet in all games Bright Glow Flickering over the Tombstones of My EnemiesWin 10 online games Harsh Light Inundanting the Coffins of My EnemiesWin 20 online games White Flame Dancing on the Graves of My EnemiesWin 50 online games Local ChampionWin 10 offline games Not in my house!Win 20 offline games Master of my domainWin 50 offline games We're just getting started!Score 50 VP in a single game First one there wins a horse!Score 100 VP in a single game You had my curiosity - now you've got my attentionScore 150 VP in a single game A true VeteranScore 500 VP in all games King of the hillScore 1000 VP in all games Simply the bestScore 2000 VP in all games Don't let them bring you downLose 100 VP in all games