1. The Walking Dead: Michonne Walkthrough overview

This walkthrough is a direct port of GoW Butters' walkthrough for The Walking Dead: Michonne, so all credit should be given to him. I have contribuited in some part.

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This will help you to earn all 21 achievements in the game. They are split up into 3 sections of 7, the 3 sections being the different story episodes within the game. All the achievements in this are story related and cannot be missed. There is nothing too taxing to do during this game, just a few things to collect and look at. Apart from that you will be guided through and taken away by the great story line.

Like all TellTale point and click's and the previous Walking Dead games, your actions will affect the story that you play in. This will not affect your ability to earn any of the achievements. It will just make the path you take or the characters and dialogue that appear in your game slightly different to what mine or other people may experience.

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