The Mist

The Mist

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The Mist Achievements

Here is the full list of all 47 The Mist achievements.

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  • Laugh it off

    I started to ignore people who laughed at me.

  • Time flies

    Time flies, and I couldn' t control myself to pursue my dream.

  • Exhausted

    Sometimes I was exhausted,and I wish I could just rest well.

  • Only I know

    I might look good in the eyes of friends, but only I knew how bad it actually was.

  • Hiding myself

    I tried to leave my sad, desperate side to myself.

  • Strong shield

    Family are my strong shields,which actually gave me more pressure.

  • Believing in me

    They believed in me, more than myself.

  • Returning to the start

    But after a period of effort, I felt things returning to the start and I was not creating anything.

  • Confidant

    Confidant is hard to find.

  • Endless journey

    People convinced me to end this endless journey.

  • End everything

    I started to doubt what was I doing for, would it be better just end everything.

  • End here

    Did I go on the wrong way? Would everything just end here?

  • Hope

    At this moment, hope appears in desperation.

  • Foreshadowing

    My last effort lighten my life, and the previous efforts were all foreshadowing.

  • Familiar days

    The last couple of days were peaceful and familiar.

  • Breakthrough

    I finally found a breakthrough.

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