The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos Achievements Full list of all 88 The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos achievements.The base game contains 65 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 23 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Déjà vuComplete chapter 1 A beer, two curses, three companionsComplete chapter 2 The plot thickens... At the tavernComplete chapter 3 The demons' feastComplete chapter 4 The Great LibraryComplete chapter 5 Torture and SensibilityComplete chapter 6 Urik's DepthsComplete chapter 7 The Dungeon MasterComplete chapter 8 The Statuette of GladeulfeurahComplete chapter 9 The Woman in the High CastleChoose the Priestess Res JudicataChoose the Paladin I'd rather... Just... Sing!Choose the Minstrel The number of the counting shalt be 7Keep the party of the original Dungeon of Naheulbeuk A tale of adventurers not quite like the others...Complete the game in "Riveting Tale" mode (Story) The Famous Dungeon of NaheulbeukComplete the game in "Tavern Ballad" mode (Normal) And they lived happily ever after...Complete the game in "Gzor's Nightmare" mode (Legendary) Kudos from your DMComplete the game in "Epic Gest" mode (Hard) Iron Golems TamerComplete the game in "Ironman" mode Lëgal LegendHelp the Paladin Lust and DebaucheryHelp the Priestess DemisemiquaverHelp the Minstrel It's been a hard day's nightComplete all Mel Boots quests in one save %#*!$*!Win the Great Duel of Supreme Insults The beards of changeGive your support to Braztok the Heinous' claim An old poacher makes the best gamekeeperGive your support to Narzatok the Hairy's reign. I've seen that beard before! It was on sale, and came with a broomstick and a bucket!Lose the Great Duel of Supreme Insults MinmaxerComplete the game in "Ironman" mode without a companion Sock! SOCK!Reach level 2 with the Dwarf Oh, when I'll be level 10...Reach level 10 with at least one character Team Building ExerciseHave 4 allies support an attack DM interventionFinish a combat with a character on 1 HP Pyrrhic victoryFinish a combat with a level 3 injury on every character The Ranger of ChaosGet all pieces of epic gear for the Ranger in one save Dwarf FortressGet all pieces of epic gear for the Dwarf in one save Shiny and CrômGet all pieces of epic gear for the Barbarian in one save Material GirlGet all pieces of epic gear for the Wizardess in one save GargantuaGet all pieces of epic gear for the Ogre in one save Look but don't touchGet all pieces of epic gear for the Elf in one save Thieves' Guild AccreditationGet all pieces of epic gear for the Thief in one save In Navalu's footstepsGet all pieces of epic gear for the Priestess in one save Law and OrderGet all pieces of epic gear for the Paladin in one save Super-Ultra-LydianGet all pieces of epic gear for the Minstrel in one save InceptionFind all 5 of the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk posters in one save Cursed dieSuffer 100 critical failures Livin' in a dwarven paradiseHave 10,000 gold coins in your possession Alt+F4Kill an enemy before they can act Death is for wimpsComplete the game without ever having one of your characters knocked out. I am the nightPerform 30 sneaky strikes with the Thief Holistic Adventuring PartyComplete all secondary quests on the same save 100% satisfaction guaranteeComplete the game with the Absolute Expertise Scholar of the Lands of FanghComplete all book collections in one save GGEZWin a battle without losing any HP Star-crossed loversHave the Dwarf give support to the Elf 15 times Where's that freaking Dwarf?Get the Dwarf behind cover Way of the WimpHave the Barbarian kill an enemy with a bow Fireproof WizardessResist one burn with the Wizardess Friendly fireHit one of your companions with friendly fire while being drunk Lord of the DrunksGo back to the Orktobearfest 3 times on the same save SpeedrunGo straight ahead after entering the Dungeon. Insult to injuryUse the Dwarf's insults 30 TIMES Dwarf CandyConsume 10 Pop-twits Sowwy!Hurt two of your party members with the Elf's attacks We come in peaceKill the Golbargh Dead for goodKill the Dungeon's lich Dumb and dumberChoose the dumb answer 3 times Add-on Ruins of Limis 74 30 3 0.002714 (52%) NecrophiliaChoose the Necromancers’ side The Blood CountessChoose the Vampires’ side He’s alive! Aliiiive!Summon the Trollkenstein for the first time Add-on Splat Jaypak's Arenas 143 50 5 0.00168 (50%) King of the ArenaFinish the 2nd DLC in Gzor's Nightmare difficulty with Ironman mode on Staff cutWin a battle with a team of 4 or less characters in Normal Difficulty (or above) HoardingWin the first 4 battles without having bought or sold any items in Normal Difficulty (or above) Restless nightFinish the second DLC Finally freeFire the Elf and the Dwarf to recruit the three companions Add-on Back To The Futon 457 150 15 0.00184 (22%) Service après-vente gratuit Imposture et truelles Changements en profondeur Les pendules à l’heure Légendes vivantes de la Terre de Fangh Take your time back in time Maître de son sommeil Conflit d'autorité Aventuriers d'élite Donjon mignon Donjon flippant Donjon magique Grosse Tête Cuvée Légendaire Retour au lit