The Callisto Protocol Achievements Full list of all 46 The Callisto Protocol achievements.The base game contains 26 achievements, and there are 5 DLC packs containing 20 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 39 Offline Mode 39 Single Player 11 Main Storyline 5 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 1 Collectable 1 Missable 7 Cumulative + 3 Shop 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (7)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply I Do Belong HereBeat the game on any difficulty You Need a GunFully Upgrade One Weapon The Protocol is About LifeBeat the game on Maximum Security difficulty Grim ReaperHarvest and read all implant bios The CommonalityUncover the mystery of Kallipolis Get a GripGrab twenty-five enemies with the GRP TerminatedTake down a security robot Two Heads Are Better Than OneTake down the two-head In Striking DistanceKill an enemy via GRP and a melee combo ReforgedPrint a weapon upgrade Giving BackStab five blind enemies in the back MugshotTake a photo using photo mode Float Like A ButterflyPerfect dodge five times Flesh WoundUse melee or ranged weapons to take both arms off a living enemy Chew 'Em UpKill ten enemies with environmental hazards Workplace HazardUse GRP to kill an enemy by throwing them into an environmental hazard The Outer WayFind the Outer Way boarding craft Desperate TimesElias gives Jacob a shiv If the SHU Fits...Activate the SHU Without A PaddleSurvive the pipeslide Crash SiteReturn to the crashed ship In the Pipe Five by FiveReach the Hangar flight deck Power UpRestore power to the old facility What Lies BeneathFind the source Full CircleGet thrown back into original cell Paper JamsPrint a weapon for the first time Update New Game Plus 34 10 1 0.00170170 (100%) Parole DeniedFinish New Game Plus Mode Update Hardcore Mode 125 30 3 0.0019381 (42%) RecidivistFinish Game in Hardcore Mode LiferFinish Game in Hardcore Mode NG+ Armed to the TeethPurchase all weapons and upgrades Add-on Contagion Bundle 46 20 2 0.006866 (97%) Glutton for PunishmentFinish Game in Contagion Mode You Belong HereFinish Game in Contagion Mode Without Dying Add-on Riot Bundle 145 70 7 0.0021398 (46%) Big Game HunterComplete Wave 50 Big SpenderSpend 20,000 Credits I am the DangerDismember 100 limbs in Riot Mode Bear TrapKill a Two-Head with a Hazard Hoard ModeSurvive five consecutive waves without spending any Credits Subject AlphaUse the Power-up 10 times InstigatorComplete Riot Mode for the first time Add-on Final Transmission 136 70 7 0.00314104 (33%) One Last JobFinish Final Transmission Information OverloadFind all 8 Protocol Data Drives Quick PickSolve any Security Lock System in less than 7 seconds This Isn't About EscapeLocate the Escape Pod Keep FightingKilled your first Biobot! It's TimeObtain the Kinetic Hammer Don't Let It MellowDestroy all Hammer Crates on the Factory Floor