Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition Achievements Here is the full list of all 53 Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Game MasterObtain all achievements. Weiss the Kobold LordComplete Rustoria Plains. Grimm the ProvidentComplete the Oldrobe Forest. Summum, Servant of FateComplete the Jeweled Peak Lakes. Abyss the LegateComplete the Kurjiez Desert. Not My Black SwordsmanDefeat Genesis in the Temple of Prayers. Not On My Watch!Defeat Tia in Aincrad. Forever YoungComplete Asuna, Yuuki, and Strea's quests. We Appreciate Your Patronage!Complete Liz and Silica's quests. Always In Your CornerComplete Leafa and Philia's quests. Thank You, Mr. WooflesComplete Yui and Argo's quests. Friends Who CareComplete Sinon's quests. A Sword Sought TogetherComplete the Emperor's Sword quests. Walking the Same PathsComplete Kizmel's quests. Hard Work Pays OffHave over 10,000 levels divided among all skills. Skill MasterLearn 200 skills. The Ultimate SwordsmanReach level 50 with Kirito. BlademasterMax out a sword skill mastery. A New LegendGet a 10-hit chain with Sword Skill Connect. Celestial BladesLearn the extra skill "Celestial Blades." 1 guideThorn of IllusionsLearn the extra skill "Thorn of Illusions." Soaring SlashLearn the extra skill "Soaring Slash." Blade of the DamnedLearn the extra skill "Blade of the Damned." Righteous CrossLearn the extra skill "Righteous Cross." Fanged GuardianLearn the extra skill "Fanged Guardian." WarmongerLearn the extra skill "Warmonger." Assassin's BladeLearn the extra skill "Assassin's Blade." Rejuvenating TouchLearn the extra skill "Rejuvenating Touch." Together ForeverReach maximum affinity with Asuna. The Beast TamerReach maximum affinity with Silica. The Master MacerReach maximum affinity with Lisbeth. Little SisReach maximum affinity with Leafa. Ice Cold SniperReach maximum affinity with Sinon. Darling DaughterReach maximum affinity with Yui. Life of the PartyReach maximum affinity with Strea. The Treasure HunterReach maximum affinity with Philia. Pure GoddessReach maximum affinity with Premiere. Trust the RatReach maximum affinity with Argo. Sincere SwordswomanReach maximum affinity with Yuuki. Attack of the ElvesReach maximum affinity with Kizmel. Hot-Blooded PartnerReach maximum affinity with Klein. Got Your BackReach maximum affinity with Agil. BFFsMax affinity with all main characters. ReminiscenceComplete the gallery. Looking for GroupHave 100 friends with friendship level "Friendly". Polished to a Fine EdgeReach maximum enhancement with a weapon. Legendary WeaponFind a legendary item. Last Attack HunterGet the last attack bonus on all Ainground bosses. Money Over PowerHave over 1,000,000 col. We're In This Together!Defeat 100 Named Monsters in multiplayer. Ainground ResidentDefeat the Prayer Conduit with over 100 hours of gameplay logged. Not a Death GameGet wiped out and respawn at the Teleport Gate Plaza. I'll Protect You!Help a party member in need.