Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Achievements Full list of all 63 Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet achievements.The base game contains 50 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 13 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 58 Offline Mode 6 Online Mode 60 Single Player 4 Cooperative 3 Versus 11 Main Storyline 5 Difficulty Specific 9 Collectable 9 Missable 9 Cumulative + 22 Level 16 Shop 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Time Consuming 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Award HunterAcquire all achievements. Powering UpAcquire your first ArFA-sys part. Hide adsSecond HelpingAcquire your second ArFA-sys part. Triple Tune-UpAcquire your third ArFA-sys part. Attack on the SBC Flügel!Defeat the SBC Flügel's gatekeeper. Squad LeaderBecome the leader of a new squadron. Hero of LegendDefeat the final boss of the SBC Flügel. 1 guideBullet of BulletsDefeat Death Gun in the BoB. A Lost FriendBeat the game with the normal ending (Kureha's death). Fall of the Uncrowned QueenBeat the game with the normal ending (Zeliska's death). A True HeroBeat the game with the true ending. GGO GodBeat the game on Extreme difficulty. WeaverCreate 5 outfits. TinkererEnhance or transform weapons 10 times. AppraiserAppraise items 15 times. TraderExchange medals for items 3 times. The Info BrokerPurchase info from Argo. Allowance, Please!Give your ArFA-sys an allowance of 100,000 credits or more. Color CoordinatedChange the color of an outfit. Welcome to the World of PvPParticipate in an online PvP match. Veteran GunslingerWin 5 online PvP matches. Welcome to the World of Co-opParticipate in an online co-op quest. Boss HunterDefeat 10 types of bosses in online co-op quests. Master of the ArtsAcquire all Weapon Arts. OPHave one stat of 150 or higher. Maxed OutReach max level of a skill or gadget. CollectorAcquire 100 skills and/or gadgets. Weapon MasterReach the maximum level for a weapon category. The Ultimate WarriorReach the maximum level for all weapon categories. Uniquely DeadDefeat your first Unique Enemy. Bounty HunterComplete every Hunting Quest. ReaperComplete every Unique Enemy Quest. Seeker of FortuneComplete every Treasure Quest. RankerMake it into the Bounty Ranking Top 10. Top DogReach 1st place in the Bounty Rankings. Elite PlayerReach level 100. Oooh, Shiny!Acquire a Legendary weapon. Try It On?Give a friend an outfit as a present. Master and Me Will Always Be Together!Grow close to your ArFA-sys. NaptimeHave a sleepover. You Belong to Me!Grow close to Kureha. Right-Hand WomanGrow close to Zeliska. Gift of a GunReceive a gun from Itsuki. Popular PlayerDeepen your friendship with Premiere, Strea, Philia, and Rain. That's Kirito for YouGrow close to Asuna, Leafa, Sinon, Lisbeth, Silica, and Yuuki in Kirito Mode. Proof of FriendshipGrow close to Kirito, Asuna, Leafa, Sinon, Lisbeth, Silica, Agil, Klein, Yuuki, Yui, and Argo. Best Friends ForeverReach affinity level 4 with all friends (excluding additional characters). Hardcore GunnerComplete 12 Hardcore Co-op Quests. On Another LevelReach level 270. Proof of a HeroComplete every Solo Hero Quest. Add-on Dissonance Of The Nexus Expansion 292 130 13 5.0017555 (31%) A Familiar FaceMeet up with Sachi. Harmonic TrioShut down the snowmaker. Cold as IceDefeat the Snowstorm Queen. Menace No MoreDefeat the Freezing Menace. Until Next We MeetReceive mail from an unknown sender. Hot as HellfireDefeat Snowstorm Ereshkigal on Extreme difficulty. Snowscape SubjugatorDefeat Cocytus Nifta on Extreme difficulty. Band of HeroesComplete 15 types of Party Hero Quests. Locked and LoadedObtain one of the weapons added in "Dissonance of the Nexus". Accessory AddictCollect all Emblem Earrings and create a School Uniform F. Dress the PartCraft a Chic Dress F. Time for Some Shut-EyeHave sleepovers with Yuna, Eiji, and Seven. Like a DreamHave a sleepover with Sachi in Kirito Mode.