SuperPower 3 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 35 SuperPower 3 achievements.

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  • In every Lands I

    Get more commercial access in 10+ countries

  • In every Lands II

    Get more commercial access in 25+ countries

  • Call me Croesus

    Become one of the 5 richest countries

  • Tractors everywhere!

    Make good use of its arable land

  • Economic optimist

    Create the condition to bring back lost jobs and inject optimism in the economy after grim times and economic hardship

  • Back to work

    Create the condition for a full-employment economy and maintains a low unemployment rate

  • Full employment

    Creates the condition for a full-employment economy and maintains a very low unemployment rate

  • Man of Steel

    Don’t let rebels ruin its plans and don’t hesitate to crush any opposition

  • The honest guy

    Fight against corruption and is honest with the electorate

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