Streets of Rage 4 Achievements Full list of all 45 Streets of Rage 4 achievements.The base game contains 37 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 8 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 8 Offline Mode 29 Online/Offline 36 Single Player 29 Cooperative 4 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 1 Collectable 1 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (8) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply All Clear: AxelClear all stages in single-player mode as Axel. All Clear: BlazeClear all stages in single-player mode as Blaze. All Clear: CherryClear all stages in single-player mode as Cherry. All Clear: FloydClear all stages in single-player mode as Floyd. All Clear: AdamClear all stages in single-player mode as Adam. All Clear: SOR1Clear all stages in single-player mode with a "SOR1" character. All Clear: SOR2Clear all stages in single-player mode with a "SOR2" character. All Clear: SOR3Clear all stages in single-player mode with a "SOR3" character. ThrowbackDiscover a retro level. 1 guideMiss Me?Meet Adam. Dojo MasterBeat Shiva. Snap Out of ItBeat possessed Max. Old-SchooledBeat Mr. and Ms. Y. Stage MasteryGet an S-Rank on any stage. PerfectComplete a stage without taking damage. ManiacGet an S-Rank on all stages on Hard difficulty or higher. All Too EasyComplete a stage on Mania difficulty. Combo ProAchieve a "Super!" combo. Combo ExpertAchieve an "Amazing!!" combo. Combo MasterAchieve an "Out of this world!!!" combo. 100 YenClear the Arcade mode on Hard difficulty or higher. Bleeding KnucklesReach a lifetime score of 5,000,000. OopsHit an ally. Birth of the CoolCatch a weapon in the air. Eating off the GroundConsume a healing item. THIS IS WOOD OAK CITY!!!Kill an enemy by tossing them in a hole. Life's a StruggleFree yourself from a grab. It's Chilly in HereBreak both elevator window panes. Family ReunionGet the Golden Chicken from the art gallery to the stock room. Somebody Call the Cops!Call the police with a Streets of Rage 1 character. Dude, My Car!Break the car in The Streets. Wasted WineBreak a wine bottle. Walk on FootDestroy all motorcycles. Demolition ManUse a wrecking ball to kill an enemy. Collateral DamageUse a barrel or a grenade explosion to kill 3 enemies at the same time. An Elegant DeathUse a chandelier to kill an enemy. Broke My ToyBreak a spear. Add-on Mr. X Nightmare 158 80 8 5.00388110 (28%) All Clear: EstelClear all stages in single-player mode as Estel. All Clear: ShivaClear all stages in single-player mode as Shiva. All Clear: MaxClear all stages in single-player mode as Max. Clown WarsLead an army of 3 clowns. Ultimate WarriorUnlock all alternate moves for one character. The Possibilities Are EndlessUnlock all alternate moves. Phantom in the HullReach level 18 in survival mode. I Am the OneReach level 30 in survival mode.