Stranded Deep Achievements Here is the full list of all 37 Stranded Deep achievements. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 6 Offline Mode 36 Online/Offline 42 Single Player 36 Cooperative 3 Host Only 5 Main Storyline 3 Collectable 1 Missable 9 Cumulative + 10 Level 2 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (6) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Horrific PacificComplete the intro tutorial. BackpackerOpen your backpack. Back To The Stone AgeCraft a Stone Tool. Look What I Have Created!Craft a Camp Fire. 1 guideKnife SkillsSkin a crab. 1 guideCrabby PattyCook crab meat. 1 guideFishing Season Is Open!Catch your first fish with the fishing rod. Island HopperVisit an island other than the first. 1 guideDay 10Survive for 10 days. HermitSpend 10 days on one island. 1 guideVegetarianSpent 10 days without eating meat. 1 guideHunter Of The High SeasCollect 1 sea monster trophy. New ThreadsCraft something using the Loom. Fish Are FriendsGo 10 days without eating a fish. 2 guidesThe Seas HarvestCatch 10 fish with the fishing rod. 1 guideMoving UpCraft the Hobo Stove. Green ThumbPlant your first farm plot. HorticulturalistHave 1 of each farm crop planted on the same island. Another Day, Another ShoreCreate a camp (fire) on 5 distinct islands. Working With My HandsCraft 20 tools. Unchained MelodyMake a clay flask. Day 20Survive for 20 days. Powah!Craft a Motor Boat. NomadCraft a Sleeping Bag. Da VinciCraft the Gyro-copter. Call Me AhabCollect all sea monster trophies. 1 guideColumbusCreate a camp (fire) on 10 distinct islands. Industrial FashionCraft 10 pieces of furniture using corrugated scrap. 1 guideLean, Mean, Crafting MachineCraft 20 tools. ArchaeologistFind all survivor remnants. 1 guideSpecial PackageFind Wolley. Gotta Craft 'Em All!Craft 1 of each item on the same island. Day 50Survive for 50 days. 1 guideDay 100Survive for 100 days. Out Of The Frying Pan MagnetsEscaped without using the compass. This Sparks JoyCraft 100 item piles. 1 guide