Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate Achievements Full list of all 110 Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate achievements.The base game contains 23 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 87 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 83 Offline Mode 83 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 2 Cumulative - 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (28)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply SwarmWin with Pillage, Revolution and Conscription LegionWin with Militia, Assault and Pikemen SniperWin with High Focus, Crow's Blessing and Engraved Scope AssassinWin with Ritual Dagger, Taunting Hop and Subtle Poison SteroidsWin with Sacred Crown, Majestic Censer and Courteous Jousting Trigger HappyWin with Ermine Belt, Kingdom Wealth and Unjust Decree ScavengerWin with Ammunition Depot, Elite Gem and Small Fry Harvest HaremWin with Iron Maiden, Genderqueer and King's Mistress Social DistancingWin with The Moat, Wand of Gust and August Presence ReligionWin with Conclave, Cardinal and Sanctity SecretWin with Genderqueer, Saboteur and The Secret Heir Security ServiceWin with Castle, Kite Shield and Bodyguard InquisitionWin with Zealots, Ascension and The Red Book MobilityWin with Royal Loafers, Wand of Wings and Unfaithful Steed BoundariesWin with Two Rightful Curtsies and The Moat Machine GunWin with Three Extra Barrels SurvivorWin with Majestic Censer, Black Mist and Cornered Despot DemolitionWin with Ruins, Pillage and Kingly Alms Full SetHave 10 black cards WizardHave 3 Magic Wands CompleteKill The White King AvengedKill The Black Bishop ExorcisedKill The Red Book Update Title Update 2,408 600 60 0.001,71319 (1%) Horsemen Of The ApocalypseWin with Cavalry, Kite Shield, Courteous Jousting Royal RetainerWin with Court of the King, Court of the King, Full Plate Armor The Floor Is LavaWin with Royal Loafers, Cornered Despot, Unholy Call EmperorWin with Throne Room, Kingdom Wealth, Castle Late To The PartyWin with Cavalry, Lookout Tower, Conclave Unexpected EntranceWin with A Piercing Truth, Blunderbuss, Welcome Gift SwordmanWin with Nightbane, Bushido, Ritual Dagger CliffhangerWin with Analysis Paralysis, Sacred Crown, Black Mist NinjaWin with Bushido, Caltrops, Taunting Hop SlaughterWin with Guillotine, Cannon Fodder, Small Fry Harvest BenevolenceWin with Bloodless Coups, Peace, Philanthropy BuilderWin with Highest Dungeon, Cathedral, Trowel SolomonBeat throne mode with this shotgun VictoriaBeat throne mode with this shotgun Ramesses IIBeat throne mode with this shotgun Richard IIIBeat throne mode with this shotgun MakedaBeat throne mode with this shotgun Merciful RulerFinish a floor without killing any pawn A Velvet GloveFinish a floor without killing any non-leader piece DeletedFinish a floor by turn 6 Square AllegianceFinish a floor without moving to a white tile IncarnationFinish a floor moving only with souls Like Father Like SonKill the white king by throwing his heir at him HumiliationKill the white king by hopping on him Hasta La Vista BabyKill an Iron Queen How It Should BeHave 2 knights, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 1 queen, 1 king, and 8 pawns on the enemy field She Is EverywhereHave 5+ queens on the board at one time Mortal PerilBe threatened by 4 pieces at once Projectile DysfunctionHave more ammo in your clip than in your max reserves Hope This HitsHave an arc of 120 or higher Nine LivesActivating black mist 9 times Your Wife My WifeGrab the queen and carry her to the square you start the round on A Mighty FortressHave 6+ rooks on the board at one time Underpressure AmmoHave a firepower equal to 1 GluttonyHave 20+ ammo Iron KingBeat Throne mode without using a folly shield WidowBeat Throne mode without killing a queen You Shall Not PassBeat Throne mode without letting a pawn promote BlitzBeat Throne mode in less than 5 minutes BulletBeat Throne mode in less than 2 minutes Suicide PactDestroy the last leader and the black king with a grenade OH NO!Get killed by your own grenade Mr President!Make a rook save the king from a flying piece LifeguardPush a piece out of the moat Mmmmh Delicieux!Get eaten by the white king Rank 1Finish throne at rank 1 Rank 2Finish throne at rank 2 Rank 3Finish throne at rank 3 Rank 4Finish throne at rank 4 Rank 5Finish throne at rank 5 Rank 6Finish throne at rank 6 Rank 7Finish throne at rank 7 Rank 8Finish throne at rank 8 Rank 9Finish throne at rank 9 Rank 10Finish throne at rank 10 Rank 11Finish throne at rank 11 Rank 12Finish throne at rank 12 Rank 13Finish throne at rank 13 Rank 14Finish throne at rank 14 Rank 15Finish throne at rank 15 Update v1.5 2,685 270 27 0.002178 (4%) Nightmare EraWin with Human Shield, Fearsome and Reign of Terror DraughtsWin with Elusive, Taunting Hop and Secret Move Puppet MasterWin with Seer's Orb, Wand of Hypnosis and Bold Plan Hidden ConspiratorWin with The Mole, Low-Cost Disguise and King's Look-alike DeceiverWin with Black Mist, Elusive and Holoking StarburstWin with Sacred Light, Presbyopia and Sanctity DetentionWin with Mystic Shackles, Imperial Shot Put and Prison On The ClockWin with Zealots, Analysis Paralysis and Final Countdown JealousyWin with Succubus, King's Mistress and Tragic Homecoming Discreet HostWin with Cloaking Device, Ambush and Silencer First AidWin with Indelible Memories, Divine Healing and Emergency Call AlexanderBeat throne mode with this shotgun Yvan IVBeat throne mode with this shotgun Marital PeaceKill the Blight End Of The WorldKill The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Workplace AccidentMake a non-pawn piece fall off the board BullfightingMake a unicorn kill itself Buried AliveKill the king with only Mausoleum damage Cold RegicideKill the king while in stealth mode Final EscapeFinish a floor without damaging any piece during the final countdown HippocracyLet the knights rule the white army BloodbathHave 12+ bleeding pieces on the board at one time AnarchyHave 4+ Kings on the board at one time WardenHave 8+ pieces in jail Midnight DanceGet +4 firepower from a secret move New JobSteal A Horseman's job New JobSteal A Horseman's job