Seek Girl:Fog Ⅰ Achievements Here is the full list of all 100 Seek Girl:Fog Ⅰ achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Influence of fogShow began Can't turn backSucceeded in conquering the earl's daughter Breast is the bestFirst taste of breast Mission startMeet former teammates ConsensualSave woman warrior Case by caseSucceeded in conquering the woman warrior Dance with sheepSave sheep girl Frenzy fadingSucceeded in conquering the sheep girl Faith collapseSave pure saintess Flase reputationSucceeded in conquering the pure saintess Play hardballSave black nun Full of doubtsSucceeded in conquering the black nun Position of vulnerabilitySave the maid RecoilSucceeded in conquering the maid Star and fansSave the explorer Dream come trueSucceeded in conquering the explorer Evil with evilSave chick Reverse polaritySucceeded in conquering the chick OverwhelmedSave princess's nurse Spiral ascensionSucceeded in conquering the princess's nurse AntiskySave little dragon demon fatherSucceeded in conquering the little dragon What's this feelingSave slime The monsterSucceeded in conquering the slime Air theaterSave witch Just actSucceeded in conquering the witch Bee fairySave debbie Wind fallGet token from debbie Rescue the princessSave princess Accomplish one's missionSucceeded in conquering the princess LoathnessSave weak girl ConspiracySucceeded in conquering the weak girl Cleverness may overreach itselfSave hypnotist girl Shape up or ship outSucceeded in conquering the hypnotist girl Blooming chrysanthemumsSave summoner Have no alternativeSucceeded in conquering the summoner Displace! TentaclesPurify demon Banish evilSucceeded in conquering the demon AlysaPick Alysa up Insight into the truthSucceeded in conquering Alysa To be continuedTalk to a mysterious guide Entering the fogEnter the fog scene for the first time A talking skeletonSkeletons can talk Access to the secretHad conversations with 8 different skeletons Become inured to the unusualHad conversations with all the skeletons Frightened girlFirst encounter with a girl Save eagerMeet 10 different girls Pile driverMeet all the girls Magic fruitRetrieve lost memories Yummy yummyRecall 8 memory images Who I used to beRecall all the memories Plastic machetesFirst injury MistakeThe 10th injury This is the maximum amount of bloodThe 20th injury GrovelThe first death Tactical flapThe fifth death Push-upThe tenth death The beginning of reincarnationThe first rebirth In cyclesThe fifth rebirth Cycle of more thanThe tenth rebirth Strange propsFind a gift A lot of harvestFind nine different gifts A backpack full ofFind all gifts Life backGet a blood bottle Good formGet five blood bottles Body tonicGet ten blood bottles Strange keypick up a key Important keypick up three keys Indispensable keypick up five keys Simple and niceGive the right gift once TelepathicGive the right gift nine times ThoughtfulGive the right gifts to all people TestGive the wrong gift once Steel straight menGive the wrong gift nine times Little games don't smell good?Give the wrong gifts to all people A nose coneThrow a gift to slime Clever clearanceThrow five gifts to slime Practice makes perfectThrow ten gifts to slime Drowning duckDie three times before save a girl GreenhandWithout getting hurt on the map, save two girls Handle them with easeWithout getting hurt on the map, save four girls Master WalkerWithout getting hurt on the map, save six girls Just a tryHaven't eat any black heart Drifting clouds and flowing waterHaven't eat any black heart for nine times So what?Haven't eat any black heart Dragon's armAcquire the dragon's arm Dragon's legAcquire the dragon's leg Dragon's private partsAcquire the dragon's private parts Dragon ?Acquire the dragon's power Confidential multiplierGet the jade operator True colourFind out the hidden character Human confusedFind question RegistrarTen characters were collected CollectorAll characters were collected The taste of betrayalNReach a betrayal ending A easy lifeReach an easy ending A corrupt lifeReach a decadent ending Perfect passReach a happy ending EEscaping warriorReach a escape ending EggTrigger eggs