Game action
Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider Achievements

Full list of all 143 Rise of the Tomb Raider achievements. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.

The base game contains 66 achievements, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 77 achievements.


    Endurance Mode

    799 (44%)
    Endurance Mode
    • Master Archaeologist

      Endurance Challenge: Collect at least 10 Artifacts

    • Raider

      Endurance Challenge: Open 5 Codices or Sarcophagi

    • Skillful Raider

      Endurance Challenge: Open 5 Codices or Sarcophagi without getting caught in a trap

      2 guides
    • Fast Reflexes

      Endurance Challenge: Destroy 3 ceiling spike traps after being caught in them

    • Well Done

      Endurance Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 birds, squirrels, or rabbits that were killed with fire

    • Still Tastes Good

      Endurance Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 wolves that were killed with poison damage

    • Nope

      Endurance Challenge: Escape the forest on day 1, without recovering any artifacts

    • Vacation

      Endurance Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving for 7 days


    Cold Darkness Awakened

    921 (66%)
    Cold Darkness Awakened

    20 Year Celebration Pack

    582 (12%)
    20 Year Celebration Pack
    • Complete Family History

      Blood Ties: Collect all of the Documents in Croft Manor

    • Enter the Nightmare

      Lara's Nightmare: Destroy a Skull of Rage

    • Fight the Fear

      Lara's Nightmare: Defeat 100 enemies

    • Home Raider

      Blood Ties: Collect all of the Relics in Croft Manor

    • Key to the Past

      Blood Ties: Acquire the Master Key

    • Legacy

      Blood Ties: Find truth of Croft Manor

    • Master Detective

      Blood Ties: Open Lord Croft's Safe

    • Meet the Crofts

      Blood Ties: Collect 50% of the Documents in Croft Manor

    • Relic Hunter

      Blood Ties: Collect 50% of the Relics in Croft Manor

    • Sweet Dreams

      Lara's Nightmare: Defeat the Nightmare

    • A Feast for Two

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 3 bears with your partner

    • A Dinner for Two

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 3 wolves with your partner

    • A Snack for Two

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 rabbits or squirrels with your partner

    • Adventure Friends

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest with 5 Artifacts

    • Adventure Besties

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest with 5 Medium and Large Artifacts

      2 guides
    • Sisters of Artemis

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill a combined total of 10 dangerous animals in a single Expedition

    • Sisters of Athena

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill a combined total of 25 enemies in a single Expedition

    • Team Survival

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest after 7 days without using a single revive

    • Pick-Me-Up

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Revive a player

    • No One Left Behind

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Revive a player 3 times in a single expedition

    • Get Away from Her!

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill an enemy melee attacking your partner

    • Bonding Time

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving for 7 days with at least 10 Artifacts

    • Alone Time

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Spend at least one day more than 60 meters apart

    • Communication Skills

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill 5 enemies that have been marked by your partner

    • Master and Apprentice

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving 10 days with at least 20 Artifacts

    • For the Night is Dark

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Clear 3 Enemy Camps at night in a single expedition

    • Teamwork

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Warm up from freezing by standing next to a campfire lit by your partner

    • "Teamwork"

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Collect an Artifact while your partner is down

    • Say "Aaah"

      Endurance Co-op Challenge: Eat with your partner while at least one of you is starving

    • Extreme Survivor

      Finish the game on Extreme Survivor difficulty


    Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch

    840 (10%)
    Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch