Republic of Pirates Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Republic of Pirates achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Brethren of the Coast IReach a total worker count of 1000. Brethren of the Coast IIReach a total worker count of 3000. Brethren of the Coast IIIReach a total worker count of 7000. Rule the WavesDestroy 50 enemy ships or buildings. Rule the Waves - British VesselsDestroy 20 British ships or buildings. Rule the Waves - Spanish VesselsDestroy 20 Spanish ships or buildings. Rule the Waves - French VesselsDestroy 20 French ships or buildings. First Mate IRaise any captain to level 20. First Mate IIRaise any captain to level 30. First Mate IIIRaise any captain to level 40. Legend of the SeasRecruit a legendary captain. You're WelcomeFulfill a faction demand. Master of TradeComplete a Trade. The British are ComingRequest assistance from the British. The Spanish are ComingRequest assistance from the Spanish. The French are ComingRequest assistance from the French. Building with StyleBuild 18 different decorations on one island. Goody Two-ShoesHave a friendly standing with all factions at the same time. KetchomaniacBuild 50 ketch-class ships. Brig BuilderBuild 50 brig-class ships. Pirate Fortune IAmass 45,000 doubloons. Pirate Fortune IIAmass 75,000 doubloons. Improved Sails, Me Hearties!Amass 30 sails (improved). Spanish Gold HeistAmass 40 Spanish gold. English Insignia RaidAmass 50 insignias (British). Island MarauderClaim an island. Island DominatorClaim five islands simultaneously. Island ConquerorClaim all islands on a map. Roads to Riches IBuild 1km of dirt roads. Roads to Riches IIBuild 10km of dirt roads. Roads to Riches IIIBuild 1km of brick roads. Roads to Riches IVBuild 10km of brick roads. Plunderer ICollect 10 debris. Plunderer IICollect 50 debris. Plunderer IIICollect 100 debris. DeforestationBuild 10 woodcutter's lodges. 17th Century AmazonBuild five depots. TurtlingBuild 10 defensive towers. Architect IBuild 100 buildings. Architect IIBuild 500 buildings. Architect IIIBuild 1000 buildings. New Republic - EasyComplete the campaign on easy difficulty. New Republic - MediumComplete the campaign on medium difficulty. New Republic - HardComplete the campaign on hard difficulty. Unfettered FreedomStart a free play map. Archipelago Conqueror - EasyClaim all islands on one map in free play on easy difficulty. Archipelago Conqueror - MediumClaim all islands on one map in free play on medium difficulty. Archipelago Conqueror - HardClaim all islands on one map in free play on hard difficulty. Sailing with StyleSimultaneously own five ships with different hull patterns, sail patterns, and sail logos. Master and CommanderBuild three ships of the highest class.