Here is the full list of all 51 RESIDENT EVIL RESISTANCE achievements.

  • Powerbuff Girl

    As Annette, have a creature with 3 buffs survive for 1 minute.

  • I Work Out

    As Annette, have 8 creatures with at least 1 buff in the game simultaneously.

  • Will of the G

    Successfully use G-Birkin's Overkill 2 times in a single match.

  • Minesweeper

    As Alex, use traps to defeat Survivors 4 times in a single match.

  • Work Hard Plague Hard

    Use Alex's Biohazard - Epidemic to buff 4 creatures with infections in a single match.

  • When the Explosion is Just Right

    As Alex, use Yateveo's Self Destruct to defeat 1 Survivor during a match.

  • Time's Up, Let's Do This!

    As Spencer, run out the clock and win a match while your Disintegration Field is active.

  • Power Overwhelming

    As Spencer, maintain 8 units or more of Bio Energy for 2 minutes.