Post Apocalyptic Mayhem Achievements Here is the full list of all 51 Post Apocalyptic Mayhem achievements. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 14 Online Mode 37 Offline Mode 37 Single Player 21 Difficulty Specific 5 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 13 Versus 1 Host Only 1 x3 Players Required 1 x6 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Cold BloodedUse any ability to kill an enemy in Arcade 'Easy' mode. Eat My DustFinish in 1st place in Arcade 'Easy' mode. KamikazeUse a suicidal crash and no weapons to kill an enemy in Arcade 'Hard' mode. DominanceFinish in 1st place in every race in Apocalyptic Challenge 'Medium' mode. Top DogScore 15,000 points on the 'Concrete Jungle' track in Arcade 'Medium' mode. Apocalyptic KillerKill a total of 500 opponents in Arcade 'Hard' mode. First BloodFinish in 1st place in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Two Birds With One StoneKill two enemies within 5 seconds in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Hero With Many FacesGet at least 5 kills in Ranked Multiplayer mode using every weapon for all vehicles. VendettaKill an enemy within 30 seconds after he has killed you in Ranked Multiplayer mode. I'm the Man!Score 15,000 points in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Champion's TournamentFinish in 1st place on every track in Ranked Multiplayer mode. A Dusting of AwesomeFinish 3rd or higher in Arcade 'Easy' mode. Top 3 is Good Enough for MeFinish 3rd or higher in Arcade 'Medium' mode. Winning is EverythingFinish in 1st place in Arcade 'Medium' mode. Victory LaneFinish in 1st place in Arcade 'Hard' mode. Demolition MissionKill a total of 100 opponents in Arcade 'Hard' mode. Putting the 'laughter' in 'manslaughter'Kill a total of 500 opponents in Arcade 'Easy' mode. King of the RoadKill a total of 100 opponents in Arcade 'Easy' mode. Pile of TroubleKill a total of 100 opponents in Arcade 'Medium' mode. Chief Export is PainKill a total of 500 opponents in Arcade 'Medium' mode. Bow Before MeFinish in 1st place in Ranked Multiplayer mode with 5 human opponents. Dropping the DeuceComplete 2 laps in the 'Wasteland' track in Arcade 'Easy' mode. Double Rainbow!Complete 2 laps in the 'Cold War Beach' track in Ranked Multiplayer mode. 1 guideGood TimesComplete an Apocalyptic Challenge. Freak of NatureScore 25,000 points in Apocalyptic Challenge 'Easy' mode. High FiveKill 5 opponents in one race in Arcade 'Easy' mode. Hanging TenKill 10 opponents in one race in Arcade 'Medium' mode. A World of HurtKill 15 opponents in one race in Arcade 'Hard' mode. Summer JamAdjust a Tuning Slider and save the new setting. Mad Skillz!Getting at least one kill with all three of any vehicle’s weapons in Arcade mode. One Trick PonyUse only one of vehicle’s weapons to kill opponents and finish in 1st place. The KittyDrive the 'Kitty with Claws' in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Pink is ToughFinish in 1st place driving the 'Kitty with Claws' in Arcade mode. The NucloidDrive the 'Nucloid' in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Nuked!Score 15,000 points driving the 'Nucloid' in Arcade mode. The VeteranDrive the 'The Veteran' in Arcade mode. Metal ChaosScore 20,000 points driving the 'The Veteran' in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Mr. Lead FootFinish in 1st place in all 3 of the 'Death Area 8' vehicles in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Danger Is My Middle NameScore 15,000 points in the 'Death 8 Area' track in Ranked Multiplayer mode. Challenge ChampionScore 40,000 points in Apocalyptic Challenge 'Hard' mode. GhostLap your opponents, sneak up from behind and kill the straggler! The Set-upKill an online enemy (not an AI vehicle or a Friend) 5 times during one race! Helping HandGang up with one of your friends to attack and kill an opponent! Ho-ho-hidden!Find Santa’s secret hideaway. Speedy ReindeerFinish the holiday track in first place. Crazy Sleigh RideComplete 20 clockwise laps around Santa's house without ramming into anything. Naughty or Nice?Kill an opponent in the air on the holiday track. Lump of CoalKill 500 opponents on the holiday track. Wreck the HallsRace the holiday track. Bah Humbug!Accomplish all the holiday achievements.