Persona 5 Royal Achievements Here is the full list of all 53 Persona 5 Royal achievements. It takes around 100-120 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 53 Offline Mode 53 Single Player 15 Main Storyline 7 Missable 2 Level 2 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Phenomenal Phantom ThiefUnlocked all achievements. Castle of Lust: SeizedCompleted the castle Palace. Hide adsMuseum of Vanity: RepossessedCompleted the museum Palace. Bank of Gluttony: Cleaned OutCompleted the bank Palace. Pyramid of Wrath: PlunderedCompleted the pyramid Palace. Spaceport of Greed: ObliteratedCompleted the spaceport Palace. Casino of Jealousy: BankruptedCompleted the casino Palace. Cruiser of Pride: CapsizedCompleted the cruise ship Palace. The Thorough TricksterCompleted Mementos. Take Back the FutureCompleted every Palace. 1 guideThe Path ChosenWatched the ending. Spirit of RebellionObtained Arsène. Phantom Thieves: Assemble!Established your own squad of thieves. One Step at a TimeCompleted a Mementos request. A Most Studious DisguiseScored the highest on your exams. Pure PerfectionMaxed out all social stats. Tokyo TouristWent to a hangout spot with someone. My Closest PartnerEntered a special relationship. True ConfidenceMaxed out one of your Confidants. Awakening the Phantom ThievesEvolved a party member's Persona. I am Thou...Obtained a Persona through negotiation. Tactical TeamworkPerformed a Baton Pass. Let's Blow It UpDefeated enemies via Disaster Shadow explosion. You'd Better Hang On!Used the grappling hook. TechnicianTriggered a Technical. Talent ThiefObtained a Skill Accessory from a Palace ruler. The Purpose of a ThiefObtained a Treasure Demon. 1 guideIt's Showtime!Performed a Showtime attack. Jose's Favorite CustomerTraded in flowers while in Mementos. The Phantom PhilatelistTraded in stamps while in Mementos. The Search for PowerCompletely changed the cognition of Mementos. The Deviated CognitionEncountered a deviation in Mementos. Unsurpassed RebelConquered the Reaper. A Deadly DebutPerformed a Guillotine execution. Efficient ExecutionerPerformed a Group Guillotine execution. Intensive TrainingUsed Incense on a Persona in Lockdown. Success Built on SacrificePerformed a Gallows execution. Accident-PronePerformed an execution during a Fusion Alarm. A Grand ExperimentPerformed an Electric Chair execution. Leblanc BufferCleaned up in Leblanc. Punch That Clock!Worked a part-time job. 1 guideBatter Up!Scored a hit at the batting cages. Getting the VaporsCouldn't take the heat in the bathhouse. Easy MoneyWon the lottery. Going Against the CraneScored a prize in the crane game. Trash Into TreasureSold old clothing at Furugi no Neuchi. DartslingerPlayed a game of darts. A Hustler's JourneyPlayed a game of billiards. A Night in KichijojiAttended the jazz club. A Serene ExperienceVisited a temple. Professional ModificationCustomized a gun. Angler's DebutPassed time at the fishing pond. Master of AkihabaraOrdered from the special menu at the maid café.