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Papa's Freezeria Deluxe

Papa's Freezeria Deluxe Achievements

Here is the full list of all 90 Papa's Freezeria Deluxe achievements. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

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  • Pawpaw Louie

    Add Pawpaw Topping to Papa Louie's sundae

  • Holiday Spirit

    Serve 100 customers while wearing clothing that matches the season

  • Santa's Helper

    Serve 20 customers during Christmas wearing a Christmas Hat and Fur Parka

  • Wrong Restaurant

    Serve Roy while wearing a Pizzeria Polo and Pizzeria Cap

  • Everyone's a Critic

    Serve Jojo while wearing a Turtleneck and Beret

  • Holiday Outfit

    Wear a shirt, belt, jacket, pants, hat, and shoes to match the current holiday

  • Color Coordinated

    Dress your Chef and Driver in the exact same outfit but with different colors

  • Bubble Gum Bonanza

    Have 10 different kinds of bubble gum in the lobby at once

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