Painkiller Hell & Damnation Achievements Full list of all 107 Painkiller Hell & Damnation achievements.The base game contains 67 achievements, and there are 8 DLC packs containing 40 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply EnduranceCemetery: Beat the level (Solo Campaign) HasteTutorial: Destroy all objects (Solo Campaign) Time BonusOriental Castle: Gib 123 enemies (Solo Campaign) SpeedCathedral: Collect 330 pieces of gold dropped by enemies (Solo Campaign) FuryLoonypark: Kill 3 monsters in a row using saw blade (Solo Campaign) Double HasteOpera: Collect 100 souls (Solo Campaign) 1 guideDexteritySwamp: Kill SwampThing in under 4:00 (Solo Campaign) Iron WillOrphanage: Gib 50 frozen enemies (Solo Campaign) RageShadowland: Collect all Holy Items (Solo Campaign) Double Time BonusColloseum: Pick up every ammo box (Solo Campaign) Triple HasteAlastor: Kill Alastor in under 5:00 (Solo Campaign) Soul KeeperAtrium Complex: Finish level in under 7:00 (Solo Campaign) BlessingEnclave: Kill Necrogiant in under 2:00 (Solo Campaign) ReplenishColloseum: Morph into demon 3 times (Solo Campaign) Dark SoulOpera: Find all secret areas (Solo Campaign) Soul CatcherTrainstation: Cut limbs of 100 enemies using Soul Catcher (Solo Campaign) ForgivenessFactory: Kill 30 enemies in demon mode (Solo Campaign) GreedOrphanage: Kill all monsters (Solo Campaign) VitalityCathedral: Collect 500 gold (Solo Campaign) Divine InterventionLoonypark: Possess 25 enemies using Soul Catcher (Solo Campaign) Soul RedeemerOriental Castle: Collect all Holy Items (Solo Campaign) MercyShadowland: Kill Grim Reaper (Solo Campaign) Name of the BeastKill 666 enemies with Soul Catcher Upside Down BeastKill 999 enemies with Shotgun FarmerSolo Campaign: Collect 2012 pieces of gold from fallen enemies AdventurerSolo Campaign: Find 25 secret areas Grave DiggerSolo Campaign: Finish 1st chapter Penthouse DownFinish 2nd chapter Evil's OrphansSolo Campaign: Finish 3rd chapter Neighbor of the BeastCollect 667 souls of dismembered enemies SpammerShoot 50000 times I have friendsPlay 10 different levels in cooperative mode WarehousemanCollect 500 ammo crates Barrel haterDestroy 300 barrels TornadoKill 333 enemies with explosive weapons Five PointsKill 5 enemies with one rocket Demon KangarooSpend 666 seconds on bunny-hopping Mass ChopperGib 500 enemies entirely with rockets Nightmare LoverSolo Campaign: Play whole game on Nightmare difficulty level Sweet dreamsSolo Campaign: Play whole game on Trauma difficulty level MilitaristCollect 40 armors Sniping EliteSolo Campaign: Finish the level using stakes only and don't miss any hit PlagueKill 6666 enemies with stakes Beard GrillKill 1000 enemies in Survival mode CollectorCollect all available Black Tarrot cards TwisterKill 500 enemies with environmental explosions MountebankKill 123 enemies with combo damage Sport SeasonCapture 3 flags playing as Eve in one game InsolentGet 30 kills in 3 minutes in Deathmatch mode GhostFinish level without being hurt SurgeonPlay cooperative level and don't let your partner die Mirror EffectKill enemy at the same time he kills you SkewersKill 3 enemies with one Boltgun shot RobberBring enemy flag to your base UntouchedDon't die and win multiplayer game MaliciousDon't let any of your enemies collect Quad Damage 4x4Play with at least 4 other people and collect 4 frags more than any of your enemies Best of the BestWin Team Deathmatch with the highest score in your team ScavengerKill 3 enemies with one shotgun blast 1 guideJumping DeathKill 256 enemies when bunnyhopping HygienicKeep the hit ratio above 90% in whole level Hard-bittenWin Survival match HalloweenFinish special Halloween map and collect all lollipops for Lucipher ConclaveSelect your own Pope in Conclave level Evil EggsCollect all Satan's Eggs on Easter level Last momentWin Capture The Flag by bringing the flag to your base in last 10 seconds of the game Employee of the monthWin Survival killing at least 2 times more monsters than your rivals Add-on Satan Claus 17 10 1 0.00265265 (100%) Satan ClausDefeat Satan Claus on special Christmas map Add-on Medieval Horror 42 20 2 0.00125115 (92%) PsychoWin deathmatch game on Psycho IlluminatiWin survival game on Illuminati Add-on The Clock Strikes Meat Night 40 20 2 0.00260140 (54%) Bridge PlayerKill all enemies on Bridge map (solo campaign) Town CleanerFinish Town map (solo campaign) Add-on Operation "Zombie Bunker" 44 20 2 0.0014989 (60%) Battle RobberFind all secrets on Bunker map(solo campaign) Frag'n'SteinWin Deathmatch match on Fragenstein Add-on Full Metal Rocket 349 150 15 0.0021287 (41%) MonkBeat the Atrium Complex challenge in solo survival mode. GondolierBeat the City on Water challenge in solo survival mode. TenorBeat the Opera challenge in solo survival mode. RailwaymanBeat the Trainstation challenge in solo survival mode. PriestBeat the Unseen challenge in solo survival mode. PopeBeat the Chaos challenge in solo survival mode. SavantBeat the Illuminati challenge in solo survival mode. MournerBeat the Inhumator challenge in solo survival mode PsychiatristBeat the Psycho challenge in solo survival mode DoctorBeat the Fragenstein challenge in solo survival mode SquintBeat the Blink challenge in solo survival mode PigstickerBeat the Meatless challenge in solo survival mode MinerBeat the Mines challenge in solo survival mode PrisonerBeat the Prison challenge in solo survival mode SnowmanBeat the Snow Town challenge in solo survival mode Add-on Heaven's Above 306 140 14 0.00195101 (52%) UndertakerFinish the Graveyard City LightsMake your way through the Town Bin GarnerKill final enemy on Babel StonedDefeat the Stone Golem on Angkor Tank KillerBeat the tank hordes on Pentagon FireproofAvoid any burns on Fire Plate Puzzle ChargedUse 5 electric sparks under 20 seconds during boss fight I ain't afraid o' no ghostDiscover how to summon Ghostship Medical SupplyLet them burn: Destroy all 3 ambulances Castle BreakKill all the castle guards. Pope UpSolve the pope puzzle. FlipperFlip all 16 columns. MercifulDon't kill any zombies while solving the puzzles DYIFinish 3rd arena without using MonkTrap. Add-on Demonic Vacation at the Blood Sea 42 20 2 0.00132108 (82%) Holy SheetCollect all holy items on Monastery map (solo campaign) DestroyerDestroy all objects on Ruins map (solo campaign) Add-on City Critters 44 20 2 0.0013890 (65%) HamsterCollect all ammo on Pentagon map (solo campaign) FactorizeBeat the Factory challenge in solo survival mode