Omerta - City of Gangsters Achievements Full list of all 60 Omerta - City of Gangsters achievements.The base game contains 50 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 29 Offline Mode 28 Online/Offline 57 Single Player 28 Cooperative 28 Versus 10 Main Storyline 2 Collectable 2 Missable 2 Shop 1 Time/Date 3 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The World's PlaygroundComplete the "Welcome to Atlantic City" mission CapoComplete Act 1 Hide adsCapo Di Tutti CapiComplete Act 2 Gone CleanFinish the game That's Got to HurtInflict 100 damage or more to an enemy with a single attack TacticianWin a combat encounter with 4 party members above 75% health The Man with the PlanWin a combat encounter with 4 party members at full health Close and PersonalWin a combat encounter with 4 characters in your party wielding melee weapons Spreading the LoveHit 5 characters with an area attack One Shot, One KillKill an enemy at full health with a single attack Last Man StandingWin a combat encounter with three incapacitated gang members at the end Lucky Rabbit's FootHit with an attack that has 5% hit chance JinxedMiss with an attack that has 95% hit chance. Three Birds with One StoneKill 3 enemies with a single attack Fire in the Hole!Hit an enemy with a grenade Watch your Step!Shove an enemy within the area of a fire bomb Home RunDamage 2 enemies with a single bat attack Run, Coward!Intimidate a panicked enemy Back In ActionBandage an incapacitated character Patched UpRemove 2 negative conditions with First Aid It's a Trap!Damage an enemy with a booby trap Blood Red EyesUse Rage 3 times with the same character in a single battle Knuckle SandwichHit 3 different enemies in the same turn with knuckles Slice and DiceHit an enemy with the Slice and Dice knife attacks in the same turn Easy as One-TwoKill 2 enemies in the same turn with a pistol No Place to HideDestroy 4 cover objects with a single shotgun attack Do NOT Mess with Me!Kill an enemy with a revolver retaliation shot Shooting Fish in a BarrelHit 3 vulnerable enemies with a single Tommy Gun attack Ruthless EfficiencyHave a building at 200% efficiency Weapons DealerStockpile 200 Firearms Money LaundererLaunder $10,000 Dirty Money in a single mission Hard WorkingComplete 5 Jobs in a single mission Go-To ManComplete 15 Jobs in a single mission EntrepreneurOwn 10 businesses at the same time An Offer You Can't RefuseBuy out an independent business Meet the GangHave a team of 6 gangsters in the campaign Iron FistGain 100 Feared Rating Velvet GloveGain 100 Liked Rating It's Getting Crowded HereUnlock 15 gang members ScapegoatFrame another criminal during a police investigation This Ain't Your Daddy's GunPurchase a Unique Weapon in the Campaign Weapons CollectorPurchase 13 unique Weapons in the Campaign FirestarterBurn 3 buildings in a single mission JuggernautHave a gang member with 200 or more health. Marathon RunnerHave a gang member with 20 or more Base Movement Points. Nimble FingersHave a gang member with 16 or more Base Action Points Go for the Eyes!Have a gang member with 20 or more Critical Chance. The Taste of VictoryWin a Competitive multiplayer mission. Brothers in ArmsWin a Cooperative multiplayer mission. ScarfaceWin 25 multiplayer missions Add-on The Japanese Incentive 324 100 10 0.0033728 (8%) FirebugSet 5 enemies on fire with a Flamethrower in a single turn I'mma let you finishInterrupt and hit 3 different enemies with a Machine Gun in the same battle BushidoHit 3 times with a single Rose Petals Katana attack Hot RodHave 6 gang members with sports cars Home TurfDefeat a rival gang within 10 minutes Gangster's ParadiseHave a fully upgraded Hideout 1 guideA Special PackageComplete the "Japanese Incentive" Act 1 Deadly Little MikotoComplete the "Japanese Incentive" Act 2 VendettaComplete the "Japanese Incentive" Act 3 Paradise LostComplete the "Japanese Incentive" Act 4