Mirror's Edge Catalyst Achievements Here is the full list of all 49 Mirror's Edge Catalyst achievements. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 47 Offline Mode 2 Online Mode 49 Single Player 2 Community 16 Main Storyline 6 Collectable 3 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 6 Level 6 Shop 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply ReunionResume your old life Learn to FlyTake flight with some old friends In his bad booksEscape with a gift from an old enemy Time for a Frenzied RumbleFirst crack the shell, then crack what's inside DevastationWitness a terrifying event PaybackRepay Dogen Never forgottenAvenge them The enemy of my enemySeek out Black November for help This. Is. Glass.Send the KrugerSec turrets into the abyss Smash & grabResistance is futile Vengeful StrikeClaw back what they took from you Little girl foundDiscover the identity of Kruger's deadliest asset Into the lightEscape from the heart of darkness Shattered DreamsTake what is his and make it crumble Hacker TimeHack. Tick. Tock. Run. Repeat. Blood is thicker than everythingDefeat Kruger Knowledge is powerComplete all of Plastic's missions Downtown GirlComplete all side missions in Downtown I refuse to sinkComplete all side missions in Anchor Building BlocksComplete all side missions in Rezoning ViewfinderComplete all side missions in The View Running ErrandsComplete all side missions Learn to walkPurchase Faith's second upgrade Run freePurchase half of Faith's upgrades With Bells OnPurchase all of Faith's upgrades Praise the RunReach full focus and keep it going Easy RunnerSpringboard, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Coil, Skill Roll Veteran RunnerShift, Wallrun, Jump, Coil, Skill Roll, Shift Tenacious TraceurWallrun, Turn, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump Seb's SaluteShift, Springboard, Wallrun, Swing Pipe, Skill Roll Georges' GarrisonSpringboard, Swingbar, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Coil Belle of the BallVault, Slide, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Wallrun, Turn, Jump, Skill Roll Danger ZoneReach full focus and take out 10 enemies before it runs out Hey, it's-a-me again!Perform a highground attack as a finishing move Elegant FlightDeliver any fragile package without any damage to it Undetected SurgeShut down any gridNode without notifying KrugerSec of your presence Roof RunnerComplete 10 Dashes in the main game Peak PerformerGet a 3-star rating on all Dashes in the main game Express deliveryDeliver 10 packages Fighting the systemComplete 15 billboard hacks and interventions Five Finger DiscountRemove 10 electronic parts from Conglomerate terminals I Saw You On The BattlefieldDestroy all Security Hubs P.I. ConnorsFind every secret bag hidden in Glass Story TellerFind every recording and document in Glass Full ExposureCollect every gridLeak in Glass User Generated FinisherComplete a user created Time Trial You can't keep me downGet yourself to a user created Beat L.E. SpookyCustomize your Echo Law-abiding citizenA good Cascadian follows the rules