MiSide Achievements Here is the full list of all 26 MiSide achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply ClabberBeaten and sour. Creak in the DarkSo very dark… Dead juiceMade from the juice shown in the ad. Penguin Conundrum!Have a snowball! 1 guideSafe of lifeKeep safe and sound. 1 guideThe fly's victoryCroak-croak. 1 guideO, Great Mita!Remember us. Found you!OK, I'm looking right at you! 1 guideDelicious LoveWhat flour tastes like? Conditions MetCan I stay with you? 1 guideAccelerate!Vroom-vroom! Pat on the head!Hey, you're messing up my hair! Caught Them AllNow, who's next? 1 guideHi, MitaThey're all unique. 1 guideIs This the end?Of course it's the end! 1 guideGoing at Maximum Speed!Vrooooooooooooooom! Some Achievement?And some desciption? The Great DanceLeft, right, center! A Long Long TailApple, again? You shall not pass!Repair the fence. Phase 1 LogsUndiscovered error. 1 guidePhase 2 LogsError fixed. 1 guideHelluvah Win!I'm not here. Without Dealing Damage?!As accurate as can be. 1 guideCarrotDon't look at me! 1 guidePro GamerChecked just about everywhere. 1 guide