As usual, the recommended loadout includes C4, D-Dog, a sneaking suit, and your Wu S.Pistol.
Main Ops 32: To Know Too Much
- Extracted CIA agent
- Extracted CIA agent before his discovery by the search team
- Extracted 4 search team soldiers
- Extracted driver of transport vehicle
- Extracted 2 prisoners being held in Shago Village and Lamar Khaate Palace
- Extracted the Soviet soldier planning to assassinate the CIA agent
These Mission Tasks can be completed in two runs of the mission. First is a run where you reach the CIA agent before he's discovered (he's in the sand on a dotted path leading up to the main path towards Lamar Khaate Palace); instead of extracting him right away, take him with you to Lamar Khaate Palace and Shago Village as you extract the prisoners being held there. After saving both prisoners, Fulton the CIA agent and call it a day.
For the next run, allow the search team in Walker Gears to locate the prisoner, which will lead to them calling a transport truck driver. Fulton all four members of the search team and their Walker Gears before the driver arrives, then let the driver take the agent to Lamar Khaate Palace. Let the soldiers her call for another guy to show up in a balaclava (a black mask covering his entire face) who is meant to kill the agent. Tranquilize and extract him as well as the man who drove the prisoner here, and you should be ready to finish the mission. There should be a material container here at Lamar Khaate Palace that you can use to finish the mission quickly.
Main Ops 33: [Subsistence] C2W
- Identified the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Outpost
- Destroyed the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Outpost
- Secured the rough diamonds hidden near the Eastern Communications Outpost
- Destroyed the transmitter at the Eastern Communications Outpost
- Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Wialo Village
- Extracted the materials container from the Eastern Communications Outpost
You should start this run by heading directly to Wialo Village, stopping at Guard Post 23 if you want to have a gun early. The two prisoners held here are on the west side of the village; if you have a hard time finding them, try interrogating some soldiers until you can learn their positions and extract them. After that, look on the map for a crack that you can climb just south of the Eastern Communications Outpost. The crack will take you to a high path leading northwest that may be protected by two wolves; just let them pounce on you so you can whack them away and extract them.
Right before a cliffside that allows you to look over the entire outpost is a slanted rock slope, which is hiding a large rough diamond on top of it. Grab this gem and you'll finish another Mission Task. The bulk of what's left to do relates simply to the comms equipment. Identify the three antennas by using your binoculars and then, if you want to remain hidden, work on Fultoning absolutely everyone out of the area very carefully. Remember that you can leave the area to trigger a checkpoint, which will save your progress on removing the soldiers. When the coast is clear, look inside one of the buildings to find the outpost's transmitter, which you should destroy for the related Mission Task, then destroy the three radars to finish the main objective. After that, Fulton the material container in the middle of the base, finishing the final Mission Task. You should be able to find another container on the road a bit north of here that you can use to return to the ACC.
Main Ops 34: [Extreme] Backup, Back Down
- Eliminated an armored vehicle
- Eliminated multiple fighting vehicles or gunships
- Eliminated all armored vehicles without receiving a resupply or fire support
- Secured the weapon the transport truck was carrying
- Extracted an armored vehicle
- Extracted 4 soldiers searching for the escaped prisoner
- Extracted 6 prisoners
- Extracted 3 tanks
There are a minimum of two separate Mission Task runs, which you can do in whichever order you feel like. The first focuses on prisoners and the weapon being transported, and the other is for eliminating all vehicles. You should bring D-Dog for the prisoners and D-Horse for the vehicles. EMN mines are also a huge help for the vehicle run.
Land at the southwest LZ. When looking for prisoners, you should look for one in the mountain path west of Guard Post 15; this is one of two time-sensitive prisoners, and you'll want to get to him as soon as possible.m You'll want to extract all four soldiers looking for this (1/6) Prisoner, then extract the prisoner himself. After this, return to the approximate location of the southwest LZ and head north into some sand dunes for the second (2/6) Prisoner. From there, run to Lamar Khaate Palace, where you'll be able to find another (3/6) Prisoner held in a cell. From here, go north and look around the river for the fourth (4/6) Prisoner, then go to the Wakh Sind Barracks for the last standard (5/6) Prisoner. The last (6/6) Prisoner will be taken around in a four-wheel drive, so once you have the first few prisoners or so, focus on bringing this guy back as soon as you can. You should also aim to extract the weapon being carried by one of the trucks in this run if you can, but you can always replay the mission later for this exact Mission Task. Stop the truck with an EMN mine, D-Horse, or some other means so you can secure the weapon intact. You must pick up the weapon yourself, you cannot extract the truck with the weapon inside for it to count. You can also do this in the vehicle attack run.
Note: Use of the Infinity Bandana will resolve the third Mission Task without any extra effort. Use it to make quick work of things.
When you're ready to wipe out all seven enemy vehicles, start the mission at the northern LZ and sit by the rock you were at for the S Rank tactics (if you don't know this place, just hide anywhere), and use either D-Horse or EMN mines to disable tanks so you can extract them. This is going to consist of a lot of waiting around, so you may also want to consider simply running around and blowing the vehicles up instead. There are seven vehicles that you need to defeat/extract; the four-wheel drive carrying a prisoner and the vehicle carrying a special weapon do not count, but the latter will be passing into this point from the north if you haven't already obtained the weapon. If you find that you have some downtime, there should be a vehicle parked inside Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost if you want to Fulton it early. The two last vehicles will likely not be fast enough to reach your hiding spot before time runs out, so you'll want to approach them yourself and get rid of them before the clock runs down. You can blow these last two up if you want to, since you only need to eliminate them for the Mission Task. Once you've stopped all seven vehicles, three tanks and a chopper should appear; the tanks are involved in the last of a chain of related Mission Tasks. These only appear after defeating all other vehicles, and you must extract all three to complete the final task. Leave via chopper extraction to finish the mission after eliminating all four vehicles.
Main Ops 35: Cursed Legacy
- Extracted 2 containers
- Completed the mission by riding a Fulton extracted container out of the hot zone
- Completed the mission without the enemy discovering the container extraction
- Pinpointed the soldier's location from an intel file
- Extracted the commander of the Zero Risk Security force guarding the mansion
- Recovered the rough diamonds snatched by the common raven near Lufwa Valley, NW Guard Post
If you are yet to complete the third Mission Task, you'll want to replay the mission as you've been encouraged to before, but make sure all soldiers around both containers have been eliminated in some fashion. For the other three Mission Tasks, you'll want to land at the northern LZ and run west until D-Dog finds some jackals in the distance. The large rough diamond is within their territory; tranquilize them all and look around for the sparkling of the gem, then run east to the mansion. Here, you need to find intel on the guard captain's location, and then extract that captain. You can interrogate soldiers to find the guard captain, but this won't count to the Mission Task. This is, however, what you should do, because for some brilliant reason the captain is in the same room as the intel detailing where he is. Slip into the mansion and find the captain, then look around for the intel so you can scan it. Then either trigger a checkpoint or finish the mission as usual.
Main Ops 36: [Total Stealth] Footprints of Phantoms
- Eliminated all Walker Gears
- Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village
- Extracted all Walker Gears
- Picked a digitalis (lutea) at Ditadi Abandoned Village
- Extracted a truck at Ditadi Abandoned Village
When starting this mission, head towards the fork in the road at the southern edge of the village, where you'll find the truck that you need to extract. Being the Total Stealth version of this mission, you'll really want to just make it a main priority to Fulton everyone and everything out of here, including the two prisoners and the set of Walker Gears when it's safe to do so. D-Dog will be able to identify the location of the digitalis (lutea) for your map, but you can also just find it at the top of the rock structure in the middle of the area. If you've neutralized everyone in the base, you can call the chopper in to the LZ here, which is conveniently right on top of this rock structure.
Main Ops 37: [Extreme] Traitor's Caravan
- Identified escort unit (armored vehicle)
- Identified transport truck
- Extracted transport truck
- Eliminated the Skulls
- Extracted the transport truck driver
- Pinpointed escort unit's estimated route from an intel file
- Listened to all conversations between transport truck driver and outpost/guard post soldiers
- Extracted 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers
To make things easy when fighting the Skulls, bring your best sleep grenades with you. The infinity bandana wouldn't hurt if you don't have remarkable sleep grenades. Everything can be done in one run, if done correctly.
The escort unit's route can be determined by intel found in a tent at Guard Post 14; just stop by for a spell and do what you have to in order to reach the intel. Next (or first, if you've already found this intel before), go to Nova Braga Airport and try to overlook the place when the escort unit appears. Try to identify the transport truck and the escort unit, which is not only a Mission Task, but is useful for keeping track of the vehicle, and then try to mark the transport truck driver. You'll then want to stay around the western wall by a small platform to safely hear a (1/3) Conversation between the truck driver and nearby soldiers. The next destination is Guard Post 12; you can head there right away as soon as the first conversation has ended, if you want. At around the same time the convoy reaches the guard post, a four-wheel drive with some Zero Risk Security soldiers will appear, which you can identify with your Int-Scope. Mark them when you can, then turn your attention to the truck driver and use the microphone on the scope to hear the second (2/3) Conversation. As soon as this conversation ends, quickly get to the northern entrance of Kiziba Camp and wait for the convoy to arrive here.
The final (3/3) Conversation will occur west of some resource containers. Try to hide somewhere in the vicinity of them until you hear the end of this conversation, then crawl along the ground behind some wooden containers, which should give you enough distance to cause the Skulls to appear. With your cover in play, you should be able to toss sleep grenades at them until they're all conked out. Try to extract them if you can, then go for the transport truck driver and the target vehicle. All that should remain now are the ZRS soldiers, which are easily located if you marked them earlier. If not, they should be stunned on the ground a bit down the road south of here; D-Dog should be able to find them easily. That'll be the last thing you have to do, so leave the mission area however you please and be done with the mission for good.
Main Ops 38: Extraordinary
- Secured film canister
- Captured Spugmay Keep
- Secured film canister before reinforcements arrived
- Extracted prisoner beign held at Spugmay Keep, East Guard Post
- Extracted a griffon vulture near Spugmay Keep
This may require two playthroughs, unless you got the third objective done on your S Rank playthrough. If not, then equip the Stun Arm and fully charge it when in the middle of the ruins to knock the entire place out. Then grab the film canister (use the intel picture for a clue) before reinforcements arrive. You can find a griffon vulture on the way from Spugmay Keep to the LZ closest to it, but it might be immobile on a cliffisde. If so, shoot near the cliff with a weapon to make it take to the air and tranquilize it mid-flight. The prisoner extraction is self-explanatory. Just get to the guard post and Fulton the guy out.
Main Ops 39: [Total Stealth] Over the Fence
- Extracted the captive engineer
- Fulton extracted the engineer through the hole in the facility's basement ceiling
- Extracted the prisoner plotting to escape from Wakh Sind Barracks
- Extracted the four-wheel drive patrolling between outposts
- Secured the blueprint at Wakh Sind Barracks
This can be done in one run, and uses the same strategies as with Main Ops 05. Use the LZ south of the Wakh Sind Barracks and extract as many soldiers you deem necessary in order to reach the prisoner. A four-wheel drive should pass through the area for a little bit, assuming you're booking it from the LZ to the barracks, and you should be able to stop the driver before he gets away to fulfill the fourth Mission Task.
Look on the map for a crack in the wall that you can use to bypass the main entrance to the higher region of the barracks. With D-Dog accompanying you, you should be able to find a prisoner high up on the rocks. Extract him, then look into the portable buildings in the main section of the barracks for some blueprints to pick up. Now all that's left to do is to Fulton the engineer inside the building; when you find him, carry him to the hole in the roof of the building he's in and Fulton him out from underneath the hole. This can be done with even the Fulton Wormhole to fulfill the related Mission Task.
With the final objective out of the way, use a material container to lift yourself back up to the ACC.
Main Ops 40: [Extreme] Cloaked in Silence
- Eliminated Quiet
- Determined what to do with Quiet
- Neutralized Quiet without hitting her with lethal weapons
- Neutralized Quiet with non-firearm attacks
Completing all four Mission Tasks here should be almost as easy as it was in Main Ops 11. However, this time Quiet is aware of your supply drop trick, and you can only use the trick on her if you stand out of cover when the supplies are less than 10m above her head. This will force her to shoot, preventing her from having enough time to move out of the way. Keep dropping supplies on her like this without being hit at all (one shot will kill you) until you finish the mission.
Main Ops 41: Proxy War Without End
- Eliminated the gunship
- Eliminated 2 tanks
- Eliminated 2 armored vehicles
- Extracted 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles
- Extracted the armored column's commander
- Secured the rough diamond hidden by the armored column's commander
- Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying
This set of Mission Tasks is best done in two runs, one of which is partial. The first is similar to your S Rank run, so you may be able to skip it. You'll want to extract all four land vehicles, eliminate the gunship, and follow it to its crash site to find a set of blueprints. This will leave only two Mission Tasks remaining, both of which revolve around the armored column's commander, who will be arriving at Nova Braga Airport.
For your second, partial run, land at the middle LZ like before and head to the west side of the airport. The commander will eventually reach one of the smaller rooms in the building west of the central building at around 10-11PM. When he's inside, get in there and knock him out for an extraction, then look around the room for a hidden large diamond on one of the shelves. Once you're done with these, leave the airport to be at a far enough distance for a checkpoint to trigger and you'll be safe to abort to the ACC.
Main Ops 42: [Extreme] Metallic Archaea
- Eliminated the Skulls
- Extracted Code Talker
- Completed the mission without being grabbed by a puppet soldier
- Extracted the Skulls
Bring your strongest grenade launcher, which is hopefully the Hail MGR-4 at *7, and wear the Battle Dress and bandana like you did to play this mission the first time. Have Quiet use the Sinful Butterfly and wait for her to deplete a Skull's armor in one shot. After that, you and Quiet should whittle down that particular Skull's health until he collapses; extract him when he's on the ground, and then continue this process for the other Skulls until they're all defeated and headed to Mother Base. As you do this, make sure to just avoid the puppet soldiers as much as you can so you're not grabbed by one. Any remaining soldiers will pass out after all Skulls have been defeated, so if you feel like extracting them, you can. It shouldn't take too many tries to pull all of this off, even though it's an extreme mission.
Main Ops 43: Shining Lights, Even in Death
- Identified the person who sent the transmission
- Eliminate the infected
You will complete both mission tasks by finishing the mission, so there's no need to replay this mission.
Main Ops 44: [Total Stealth] Pitch Dark
- Shut down the oil transfer pump
- Destroyed the oily water separator tank
- Extracted 4 child soldiers being trained at Masa Village
- Exfiltrated the hot zone before Mfinda Oilfield was sealed off
- Extracted the lappet-faced vulture that wandered into the burned-down village
- Extracted 4 Walker Gears sealing off Mfinda Oilfield
These Mission Tasks require two runs. For the first, start the mission at night (which you should already be doing), and bring a stun arm. The infinity bandana wouldn't hurt either.
D-Dog can very easily find the children in Masa Village sleeping in the same building together; use the stun arm's overcharged blast to stun them all, allowing you to Fulton them without using tranquilizer rounds. From the village, you can use the delivery point to get to Mfinda Oilfield quickly. Once inside, start working on Fultoning everyone out and shooting all the lights, triggering checkpoints by running out of the base so you don't have to re-Fulton the soldiers again. Clear the entire place out, then run past the south exit with D-Dog to locate a lappet-faced vulture, which you need to extract. To leave the hotzone before four Walker Gears seal the place off, you need to blow the tank while near a resource container, then get onto one ASAP and extract yourself before they arrive. On a second run, just Fulton the Walker Gears before you finish the mission.
Main Ops 45: A Quiet Exit
- Made contact with Quiet
- Eliminated the Soviet mechanized unit
- Obtained Quiet's cassette tape
- Extracted 7 tanks and 7 armored vehicles
- Completed the mission without Quiet taking damage
You'll want to use the same items you used for the S Rank run, but you may also want to consider using armor parasites with the parasite suit. You'll need to run up to every vehicle before Quiet manages to destroy it, then extract it when it isn't moving. It's a very tedious and frustrating process to extract every single vehicle, but if you find yourself dying repetitively, you may want to consider using the Chicken Hat when asked. The hat isn't beneficial in itself, but failing with it leads to the Li'l Chick Hat, which reduces your score to 0 at the benefit of never being spotted. This is basically the easiest the mission will get, which you can do freely since you don't need to care about points this time. I personally had the most luck with the armor parasites; those things make you nearly immune to all damage. Quiet's supply drops include parasite resupplies as well.
Main Ops 46: Truth: The Man Who Sold the World
- Eliminated 6 soldiers at the hospital entrance
- Landed 20 or more shots on the Man on Fire
As with the prologue, you're going to be skipping a lot of cutscenes and crawling very slowly for most of the mission. The difference here is that most of the end of the mission is cut out and the Mission Tasks are different, what with the Man on Fire and all. Kill all six enemies at the hospital entrance and pick up their weapons and ammo. When the Man on Fire is in the building after you try to leave, blast him with at least 20 shots. You'll get another chance outside the hospital if necessary, as long as you don't skip the upcoming cutscene.
Main Ops 47: [Total Stealth] The War Economy
- Identified the arms dealer
- Identified the CFA official
- Eliminated the CFA official
- Extracted the CFA official
- Extracted the arms dealer
- Listened to all conversations between the arms dealer and the CFA official
- Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying
- Extracted the materials container inside the Nova Braga Airport hangar
This process is the same as it was for Main Ops 21. If you went through the S Rank suggestions provided for this mission, you should have the first five Mission Tasks taken care of already. Now all you have to focus on is the chopper and, more annoyingly, listening to four conversations between the official and the arms dealer. If you haven't done the first five tasks in the S Rank run, you can easily overlap them after doing the sixth Mission Task, so there's no worry of doing things out of order. Make sure you bring C4 for this mission and have the Wormhole Fulton unlocked. The stun arm would help drastically as well.
There's an easy way of listening to all four conversations without having to follow the pair of targets around, being in their truck, or anything like that. You'll want to pick the lock on the gate south of the east entrance to the airport, then locate the two sets of buildings in this area that run north to south. The set you'll want to be on top of is the one furthest to the west, which has a gas tank on the ground to the left of it. There'll be a ladder at the north end that you can climb to the roof, and this is where you'll spend a lot of your time. Park yourself on the southern end of this first building, then wait for the gunship to arrive (remember where it hovers above the building for later) and focus your binoculars into the window of the main building so you can hear the first (1/4) Conversation.
When the first conversation ends, head to the northern edge of this roof and look for a blue hangar with a truck inside. They'll be getting in this truck soon, but you have time to Fulton any nearby enemies if they pose some kind of threat. After they reach the truck, they'll have another (2/4) Conversation and be on their way to another hangar. When they start to get into their truck, run south to the other rooftop and jump (the same key/button as climbing) as you sprint towards it so you can make it across. If you'd like to get your objectives done in one run, then sprint towards the hangar that they're headed towards (there are some red material containers inside) so you can prep to take out any Walker Gears that approach the hangar. Listen outside as they have their next (3/4) Conversation and remember this place, because these material containers are required for the final Mission Task.
When they're done talking, rush to the main building, take out as many enemies as you can, and try to get to the roof where the chopper dropped the arms dealer off before. You'll want to plant C4 on the spot that the chopper will drop down onto when it tries to pick the arms dealer up. As for the final (4/4) Conversation, standing on the roof should suffice for hearing it. Take care of the enemies with a Fulton extraction, or blow the C4 when the chopper is hanging directly above it with the targets inside and grab the blueprints that fall out. To finish the mission off for good, return to the hangar where the third conversation took place and Fulton yourself out with the final container you extract.
Main Ops 48: [Extreme] Code Talker
- Made contact with Code Talker
- Extracted Code Talker
- Extracted Code Talker without him taking damage
- Eliminated the Skulls
- Extracted the Skulls
- Extracted the armored vehicle sealing off Lufwa Valley
This will be just about the exact same process as with the standard version of this mission, except you have to be extremely careful about taking damage and performing headshots.
These Mission Tasks are simple, but there's a big source of tedium coming from the initial sniper battle with the Skulls. You'll want to either enter the mission with a tranquilizing rifle or call one in when you get there so you can slowly pick them all down. To do this, hide behind the rock you start out next to when the Skull cutscene plays, then crawl along the ground and fire at the Skulls when you have a good line of sight on them. If spotted, not much different will happen aside from the potential melee attack from one of the Skulls; always keep an eye on your surroundings and walk away from where she'll appear, then try to bop her with your Wu S.Pistol to speed up her demise. When all four Skulls are passed out, Fulton them back to base and reach the mansion.
Do not waste your time by Fultoning everyone away from the mansion before you reach Code Talker, because they'll just respawn when you get to him. Instead, rush into the mansion and get to the basement as soon as you can, and then call a chopper on the northern LZ as soon as you have Code Talker on your back. Sneak out the back door and climb up the slope leading to the LZ, but put Code Talker down behind a rock. You'll want to shoot all soldiers in your way in the legs so they can become tranquilized, then Fulton them so they're out of the mission area. Bring Code Talker a bit forward until you spot a tank; try to get around it if you can, but if you get spotted, bum-rush the tank and try to extract it before it starts moving. If you start the extraction process and the tank moves away afterwards, the process is not disrupted.
With the tank and all future threats out of the way, take the completely unharmed Code Talker to the chopper and finish the mission.
Main Ops 49: [Subsistence] Occupation Forces
- Secured the deployment plans
- Eliminated the colonel
- Eliminated all tanks
- Extracted the colonel
- Eliminated the colonel and all tanks before they reached Smasei Fort
- Extracted the prisoner being held at Sakhra Ee Village
- Extracted all tanks
If you've gotten the S Rank with the strategy provided for both the story and S Rank pages, then the only two remaining Mission Tasks should be to secure the deployment plans and to extract the prisoner at Sakhra Ee Village. Since you can quit out of a mission after triggering a checkpoint, this cleanup will be much less painful than it might have otherwise been.
Just infiltrate the village from the east, preferably at night, and interrogate a guard to get the location of either the prisoner or the intel (or both). Continue to interrogate them until they spill the beans on both, then grab both and leave so you can trigger a checkpoint. After that, just abort the mission.
Main Ops 50: [Extreme] Sahelanthropus
- Destroyed Sahelanthropus
- Destroyed Sahelanthropus's head
- Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack
To do this as fast as possible, wear a Battle Dress and bandana and bring the Hail MGR-4 grenade launcher (*7 or so), the FB MR R-Launcher (*5 or so), and a damaging pistol. These are the weapons and items suggested for just completing Main Ops 50, so this should be a very similar experience. Just aim for the head until the head is destroyed and then prolong the battle long enough so that the other child appears; shoot him with your pistol before he disappears to finish the third mission task, then defeat Sahelanthropus to successfully complete this mission for good.
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