Legends of Eisenwald Achievements Full list of all 45 Legends of Eisenwald achievements.The base game contains 44 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 1 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Knowledge is powerComplete the tutorial Bones on the graveyardTurn to Ewalt's wisdom Dog's stashFind Red Bestl's stash Iron HandKill all unruly vassals in Lahnstein Abbot's belovedReunite abbot and his beloved Treasure hunterFind all treasures in Erzglanz mountains Plunder the lootLay hands on the churchware from the St. Lucius monastery We have a season passTake two lessons from the city guard Hell of a thingDeal with Bruno Grossenhof's devils Merchants menaceTake care of the merchants who bother Humboldt Langard Humble LionDeal with Rudolf's kidnappers and give Erich Grauschild a lesson in humility Cherchez la femmeDeal with Gunther Reike's women I don't recognize you, YorickFind the skull of abbot Stefan This is my prey!Defeat Gustav from Leffe and Manfred Bull Thorn Natural exchangeExchange all stones in Erzglanz villages At night all cats are grayDiscern your reflection HirudotherapyBuy leeches Hunt for cynocephalusCatch Dog-nose TempterMake Xavier steal the relic Honest and poorStand up for your honor until the end Red WolfEnter the order Defender of FaithBe consecrated into a crusader Foster childBecome one of Fichtens Book wormRead all the books in the Alexander Severlin's library Maiden's honorReturn the daughter to Marcus the armorer without starting a war with Red Wolves Blessing for BlahaHelp Marcel Blaha without starting a war with the diocese Friendship with interestBuy out money-lender Simon Ghost stories for the nightFind proofs of the dusk of one century for prior Moritz Visit the MinotaurDiscover the secret of the Threver Forest Geralt's FollowerReunite Dewalt and Dunstan Bloody moneyFind the treasure on Claudius' hint Doorman's syndromKill everyone at patrolling I went to get some breadEnter the cursed mill What do you want, new lord?Summon a spirit without use of spells Here we go again!Get back the icon of St. Killian We will take another roadAfter finishing Zmiter's quest in Trever, change a side in Rothwald InsomniaArrange a meeting of Moritz and the Sleepless Count Two heads are better than oneGet two crowned heads You're nothing but a pack of cards!Outgame Zachary in a game of cards Life is but a gamePlay a tie game with Karl the Player Madonna of MercyDefeat the Kite Colossus with feet of clayCrash the statue of St. Landary I won't be anathematized, will I?Burn the cathedral being consecrated into a crusader So what you have one hand?Defeat the Iron Millstone Add-on Road to Iron Forest 20 10 1 0.001616 (100%) Cursed JackDefeat Cursed Jack in Cursed Castle map