Legend of Grimrock Achievements Here is the full list of all 40 Legend of Grimrock achievements. It takes around 35-40 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Master of the DungeonComplete the game Seeker of SecretsFind all secrets Treasure HunterFind all treasures Monster KillerKill 250 monsters MarksmanPerform 500 ranged weapon attacks SwordsmanPerform 500 melee weapon attacks Go the Extra MileTravel 10000 tiles Apprentice AlchemistMix 10 potions Master AlchemistMix 50 potions Apprentice WizardCast 25 spells Master WizardCast 250 Spells ArchmageCast 500 spells Hard BoiledComplete the game with hard difficulty setting Doin' It Old SchoolComplete the game with old school mode Secret SpotterFind 10 secrets Secret SnifferFind 25 secrets Secret SearcherFind 50 secrets Zhandul's OrbFind Zhandul's Orb DismantlerFind Dismantler Piece of the PieFind the pie Buddies With ToorumGive Toorum a hand BackstabberBackstab a monster I Use Gravity As a WeaponKill a monster by dropping or teleporting on it Here's JohnnyOpen all iron doors Ninja StyleCollect and wear lurker's wardrobe (4 pieces) I'm the Bugman!Collect and wear full set of chitin armor (4 pieces) Like a Sardine In a CanCollect and wear full set of plate mail (5 pieces) Knight in a Shining ArmorCollect and wear full set of Valor armor (6pieces) Skull SnatcherFind 5 skulls PitfallJump 25 times into a pit Ogre SlayerKill your first ogre Tavern BrawlerPerform 250 unarmed attacks StonerThrow a rock 100 times Enter The VaultFind entrance to the Vault of Dismantler Enter The PrisonGet into the Prison SlimedSurvive the slimes Dungeon HeroSurvive the invasion of white blobs Skill MasteryObtain level 50 in any skill Checkered RoomSolve the Checkered room puzzle Dungeon RunnerFinish first level in under 4 minutes