Labyrinthine Achievements Here is the full list of all 39 Labyrinthine achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Where's the Guide?Find all of the guide books hidden in Zone 1 More Guides?!Find all of the guide books hidden in Zone 2 Who you gonna call?Complete Chapter 1 50 Shades of GreenComplete Chapter 2 On my way to CubaComplete Chapter 3 Crypt MasterComplete Chapter 4 Complete a case fileComplete your first case file Tis' just a flesh wound!Complete a case after being downed 5 or more times. Cheers buddy!Have a monster chasing you kill another player instead Trust me, I'm a doctorRevive a player for the first time. 1 guideGet out of my swamp!Complete Chapter 5 Skip King 1 guideFly Swatter 1 guideYou can't hide them from me!Find all of the medallions hidden in Chapter 5 Et tu, Brute?Betray another player using the flaregun, causing them to die to a monster BulltrueStop a charging monster with the flaregun just before it hits you Seek not your fortune...Find all of the hidden miner cards in Chapter 6 A noble sacrifice I choose you! Oh I don't think so. Way down in the minesComplete Chapter 6 Key WardenFind All 10 Keys on Chapter 4 Level 5Reached level 5 in case files Level 10Reached level 10 in case files Level 25Reached level 25 in case files Level 50Reached level 50 in case files Level 100Reached level 100 in case files Look At Me!Find your first cosmetic An Entire WardrobeFind 25 Unique Cosmetics You're gonna need a bigger tent...Find 100 Unique Cosmetics A Test of SkillComplete a hardcore case file That's Hardcore!Complete a total of 50 hardcore case files David and GoliathComplete an Extreme Giant map Deep PocketsSpend 1,000 total tickets in the shop ShopaholicSpend 10,000 total tickets in the shop No Price on FashionBuy every cosmetic in the shop Look at the DripWear a cosmetic in every available cosmetic slot On a mission... Or four!Complete all daily quests for the day How did this get here?