Kena: Bridge of Spirits Achievements Here is the full list of all 41 Kena: Bridge of Spirits achievements. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 41 Offline Mode 41 Single Player 22 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 7 Collectable 1 Level 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Hunter in the ForestLearn the Bow Ability. Harness Your PowerLearn the Bomb Ability. Crossing OverLearn the Dash Ability. Found a FriendFind the first Rot. HaikyoDiscover the Village. Into the WoodsDiscover the Forest. The Open RangeDiscover the Farm. The Lonely PathReach the Mountain Shrine. Taro's FearFind Taro's Knife Relic. Taro's RegretFind Taro's Lantern Relic. Taro's LoveFind Taro's Food Offering Relic. Adira's LoveFind Adira's Ox Relic. Adira's FearFind Adira's Hammer Relic. Adira's RegretFind Adira's Village Heart Relic. Toshi's LoveFind Toshi's Village Crest Relic. Toshi's FearFind Toshi's Incense Relic. Toshi's RegretFind Toshi's Harpoon Relic. Spirit GuideDefeat Corrupted Taro. A Heavy HammerDefeat the Corrupted Woodsmith. A Leader Walks AloneDefeat Corrupted Toshi. Restore BalanceDefeat the Corrupted Rot God. Piercing BlowHit 3 Enemies with a single Rot Infused Arrow. Weigh Them DownDestroy a Moth enemy with a Bomb. Quick DrawHit 3 critical hit spots in 3 seconds. Bow MasterHit 3 enemies with a single Multi-shot. SharpshooterDestroy an enemy by shooting a Bomb out of the air. Between the EyesDestroy a Shield Sticks without breaking its shield. Return to SenderDestroy a Mage with its own bomb. Triple ThreatDestroy 3 enemies with a single Parry. 1 guideRot CommanderUse 5 Rot Actions in a single combat. Triple TapDestroy 3 enemies with a single dash attack. No Stone UnturnedFind all of the Rot. Hat CollectorCollect 50 Rot Hats. Curse CollectorOpen all Cursed Chests. Skillful Spirit GuideUnlock all ability upgrades. Good as NewRestore a Flower Shrine. Restoration MasterRestore all of the Flower Shrines. Zen MasterMeditate at all Meditation Spots. The Last StopDeliver all Spirit Mail. Say CheeseCapture a picture in Photo Mode. Master Spirit GuideBeat the game on Master difficulty. 1 guide