Hotshot Racing Achievements Here is the full list of all 53 Hotshot Racing achievements. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 5 Offline Mode 4 Online Mode 44 Online/Offline 50 Single Player 47 Versus 10 Difficulty Specific 6 Cumulative + 1 Level 3 Shop 1 Online Skill 7 Time/Date 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Barely BreathingDrive or Explode: Finish a race on fire. Wheeler DealerComplete a race in every vehicle. Hide adsFollow Your DreamsAchieve 1st place as Alexa in any Grand Prix on Expert. GentrifiedAchieve 1st place as Aston in any Grand Prix on Expert. DaredevilAchieve 1st place as Xing in any Grand Prix on Expert. ArtisteAchieve 1st place as Keiko in any Grand Prix on Expert. SpeedsterAchieve 1st place as Marcus in any Grand Prix on Expert. RavingAchieve 1st place as Viktor in any Grand Prix on Expert. Family ManAchieve 1st place as Mike in any Grand Prix on Expert. Not a RobotAchieve 1st place as Toshiro in any Grand Prix on Expert. HotshotCome 1st in every GP as any character on Expert. NewbieCome 1st in an arcade race. CompetentCome 1st in 4 arcade races on different tracks. ProfessionalCome 1st in 8 arcade races on different tracks. World ClassCome 1st in 16 arcade races on different tracks. HustlerCome 1st in an Arcade Race after dropping to 8th place from 1st place. Show Off…Reverse across the finish line and take 1st place in an arcade race. GlobetrotterFinish an arcade race on every track. Referral Bonus(Cops only) Convert 3 Robbers into Cops in a Cops & Robbers race. Beat the Rap(Robbers only) Complete a race of Cops & Robbers without being converted into a Cop. Dunkin'(Robbers Only) Perform a donut in a race and achieve the highest score. Seeing Double(Cops Only) Convert 2 Robbers within a second of eachother Catch my DriftBuild a full boost bar segment from one drift. Reverse Psychology(Cops only) Convert a Robber by colliding whilst driving in the wrong direction. PrecisionDrive or Explode: Finish a lap without taking any damage. (Restored health is irrelevant.) The DestroyerDrive or Explode: Cause 3 vehicles to explode within 10 seconds of hitting them. K.O.In Drive or Explode, crash into another racer causing them to explode. SupersonicCross the finish line on Drive or Explode at 300mph. Not Your Lucky DayIn Drive or Explode, explode before reaching the 1st checkpoint. C4Start the explosion timer 4 times in Drive or Explode. Stick it to the DevBeat a default ghost time in Time Trial. Follow the CrowdBeat a downloaded ghost time in Time Trial. Machine in the GhostDrive inside a ghost in Time Trial for 5 seconds. Marking TerritorySet a personal best time on every track. (No mirrored track required.) Practise Makes PerfectBeat 5 personal bests on any track. BWM DriverSlipstream behind a player for 5 seconds. Grafting hardBuild your boost meter to full from empty twice in a race. PacifistComplete a race without colliding with another racer. 1 guideSerial SprinterPerform 10 boosts in a race. Redemption ArcFail a start line boost and take 1st place in arcade mode. Speedy ExitExit a Drift with a Boost. Phew!Come 1st and beat 2nd place by 1 second. Destruction Level 99Finish a race with 20 track destructibles destroyed. OverachieverUnlock all customisation options. Trophy HunterPurchase all customisation options. On Cloud 9Come 1st in 9 online races (any game mode) The PeacockCustomise every aspect of a vehicle and complete a race with it. Fishing for ComplimentsPlay an Online race with a customised vehicle. Self ReflectionComplete a race on a mirrored track. Carbon Fibre OpticPlay an Online race. Barrel-ly Made ItFinish a Barrel Barrage race on fire Barreling AlongFinish a Barrel Barrage race without hitting a single barrel Download DivaFinish first in the Boss Level GP on Expert