Hand of Fate Achievements Full list of all 53 Hand of Fate achievements.The base game contains 43 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 54 Offline Mode 54 Single Player 1 Main Storyline 11 Difficulty Specific 2 Collectable 1 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply JuggernaughtPossess 150 or more health. Well SuppliedPossess 120 or more food. Wealthy LordPossess 200 or more gold. SquireComplete the first level of a play session taking no damage. AdventurerComplete the first 3 levels of a play session taking no damage. Very LuckyGet 15 "Success" or "Huge Success" chance cards in a single session. Very UnluckyGet 12 "Failure" or "Huge Failure" chance cards in a single session. Master CombatantComplete 3 combats in a single run without taking any damage. Quick ReflexesReflect 100 projectiles over multiple play sessions Close ShaveWin a combat with less than 5 health remaining. Very Brave or Very StupidEnter a combat with less than 5 health remaining. HunterLand the killing blow on 10 enemies with a trap. SlayerPerform 2 prone attacks in a row. NinjaKill an enemy with their own reflected projectile. Master of TrapsBash 5 enemies into traps in a single session. ChampionKill one of each monster type in a single session (bandit, bones, ratmen, lizardmen, orc (lava golem), mage, lich and minotaur) Well EquippedUnlock every equipment card Well TravelledUnlock every encounter card Dragon SlayerEquip all the Dragon Relic items at once. King of the UndeadEquip all the Skeleton King items at once. Arch-MageEquip all the Mage items at once. 1 guideBlingHave 10 rings in your inventory at once. Combat ReadyHave at least 1 of each type of equipment in inventory (weapon, shield, armour, helmet, gloves, ring, artifact) Dungeon MasterDefeat the Dealer Release the Lava Golems!Complete the Fire in the Deep encounter Release the Mages!Complete the Mages encounter Release the Lich!Complete the Lich encounter Release the Minotaur!Complete the Minotaur encounter HumbledComplete all 6 Charity encounters CorruptedComplete all 6 Demon Trader encounters DrainedComplete all 6 Blood Auction encounters Pure EnlightenmentPossess 10 Blessings at once. Wretched SoulPossess 10 Curses at once. Dungeon ConquerorDefeat the Dealer as the Warlord. GraduationComplete all Apprentice encounters. Lord of WarComplete all Warlord encounters. Kraken MasterDefeat the Kraken. One with the KrakenEquip the Kraken Sword and Mask at once. The Elder LizardTrade with the Elder Lizard. Great HunterFight the White Minotaur Deep DelverReach level 30 in Endless Mode Vault RaiderComplete the Goblin King's Halls IV encounter. World SaviourTurn back the invasion from the underworld. Add-on Wildcards 303 100 10 0.0027179 (29%)10-12h Master of the ShadowsComplete all Shadow Agent encounters. The Lion PrinceComplete all Curse of the Lion Prince encounters. ExplorerComplete all Explorer's Gift encounters. Never EnoughComplete all Hoarder's Desire encounters. Hunger Satiated.Complete all Iron Hunger encounters. Merchant's SaviourComplete all Merchant Guard encounters. Holy ChampionComplete all Monk encounters. The WandererComplete all Nomad encounters. Elite TrainingComplete all Soldier's Training encounters. Metal MogulPossess 300 or more Ore.