Guacamelee! 2 Achievements Full list of all 49 Guacamelee! 2 achievements.The base game contains 37 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 12 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 13 Main Storyline 2 Stackable 7 Collectable 8 Cumulative + 5 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (1) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply GuacamasteryObtain every achievement in the game 1 guideI Remember That Being HarderDefeat Calaca Re-ResurrecciónRegain the mask Show's Over, Go HomeDefeat El Muñeco SeveredDefeat Uay Pek Prickly PairDefeat Cactuardo and Zope Severed 2Defeat Uay Pek a second time Questionable PlumbingDiscover the Pollo Illuminati's headquarters Santa Golpiza!Reach 150 on your hit-meter Grapple ExpertUse all four of Coscorrona's special throws Juan Punch ManOne-shot an enemy with a fully upgraded super move I Was Told There'd Be CandyDefeat a Piñataface CluckstormKill 50 enemies as chicken The Floor Is...Eagle Boost from 10 different hook points without touching the ground 6-Piece ComboJuggle an enemy with 6 Chicken Shots or Slides before it touches the ground. He Looks PortableFind Juan and Lupita in the Darkest Timeline PERFECTCleanse the Mexiverse of the vehicular menace Talented PlayerDodge 10 enemies' attacks by rolling You SurvivedEnter the Heart of Dankness... and return One Born Every MinuteOpen a loot box King of the HillDefeat El Trio de la Montaña Special Delivery!Feed the hungry guard Combo MachineComplete all of Flame Face's challenges These Are Not FertilizedLay a dozen eggs Temple RaiderFind 100% of the hidden items in a temple y cant guacamelee crawlComplete a Pollo challenge dungeon I Have Nothing Left to Teach YouFully purchase one trainer's skill tree One Down...Complete a secret Chicken Key Challenge Very SpecialOpen the Golden Door Talk to the HendReceive the Holy Hen's message Moves Like JaguarDefeat Jaguar(s) Luchonarrative ResonanceKill 1000 mean, nasty skeletons without families El Técnico TácticoPurchase all of the upgrades Mr. WorldwideAchieve 100% completion in all areas Even DarkesterBeat the game on Hard mode Nacho LibreDefeat Salvador Legend of the TimelinesReach the good ending (collect all keys) Add-on Three Enemigos Character Pack 79 50 5 2.00237190 (80%) + Cool Cat Counter Attack ('Enemigos' Character Pack)Dodge then Hit 15 Enemies as Jaguar + Steal the Show ('Enemigos' Character Pack)Perform with the Dead Band at the Mariachi Club as El Muñeco + Body Builder ('Enemigos' Character Pack)Defeat a Giant Skeleton as Uay Pek's Head + Welcome to MY World ('Enemigos' Character Pack)Defeat 25 Enemies in the Living World as Uay Pek + Jaguar's Redemption ('Enemigos' Character Pack)Defeat Salvador as Jaguar Add-on The Proving Grounds 111 70 7 3.00210175 (83%) ++ Slippery Snake (The Proving Grounds)Complete the Snakes in the Grass Challenge without taking damage ++ Explosion Therapy (The Proving Grounds)Kill 20 Exploders using Wall Fly while completing the Exploder Elimination Challenge ++ Snake Temple Throwdown (The Proving Grounds)Grab and Throw 50 Enemies as Coscorrona in the Snake Temple ++ Salvador’s Sister Act (The Proving Grounds)Visit the Mother Superior in Isla Bonita as Salvador ++ Bronze Champion (The Proving Grounds)Achieve a Bronze Medal for all of Tiempochtli’s Challenges ++ Silver Champion (The Proving Grounds)Achieve a Silver Medal for all of Tiempochtli’s Challenges ++ Let Sleeping Gods Lie (The Proving Grounds)Wake up Tiempochtli