God of War Ragnarök Achievements Here is the full list of all 48 God of War Ragnarök achievements. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 15 Main Storyline 9 Collectable 3 Level 3 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Bear and the WolfCollect all Trophies The FloristCollect one flower from each of the nine realms The LibrarianCollect all of the Books The CuratorCollect all of the Artifacts How it StartedEquip an Enchantment Spit ShineUpgrade one piece of armor Spartan WaysRemember the Spartan teachings Full BellyObtain all of the Apples of Iðunn and Horns of Blood Mead Knock off the RustPurchase a Skill A Grizzly EncounterBattle the Bear Blood DebtBattle the God of Thunder Backyard BrawlBattle the Mysterious Valkyrie Root of the ProblemBattle Níðhögg The CauldronDestroy Grýla's cauldron Off the LeashBattle Garm ComeuppanceBattle Heimdall Better TogetherBattle Hrist and Mist PhalanxObtain all Shields CollectorObtain all Relics and Sword Hilts Dragon SlayerCraft the Dragon Scaled Armor Set How it's GoingFully repair the Amulet of Yggdrasil Funeral for a FriendAttend the funeral Rebel LeaderReturn the Hammer of the Rebellion New FriendsFetch Lúnda's orb Full GufaFree the Hafgufas Making AmendsFree the Lyngbakr It Was a Good DayRetrieve Mardöll Invasive SpeciesComplete all of the Crater Hunts BestiesPet Speki and Svanna Rightful PlaceReturn all the Lindwyrms to Ratatoskr Pure of HartReturn the Stags of the Four Seasons Trials by FireComplete the Trials of Muspelheim Ready for CommitmentFully upgrade one armor set RagnarökBattle the All-Father Grave MistakeBattle King Hrólf The True QueenBattle Gná God of HopeMaster Valhalla and master thyself Invitation AcceptedDiscover the secret of Valhalla Dark OdysseyParticipate in the sacrifice Blood, Sweat, and TýrBattle Týr Scry Me a RiverReclaim Kratos' Oath Stone WayfarerVisit all 9 Realms in Valhalla No Kratos, No ScryReclaim Pandora's Statue Fight at the ForumParticipate in a fight at The Forum arena Easy Come, Easy GoAcquire more than 15,000 Fleeting Echoes on a single attempt Understood the AssignmentComplete 9 Mastery Quests Style PointsEquip a Cosmetic Armor You Again?Find all 3 Boat Captain Keys