Glass Masquerade Achievements Full list of all 32 Glass Masquerade achievements. It takes around 3-4 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 27 achievements, and there are 5 DLC packs containing 5 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 32 Offline Mode 32 Single Player 32 Main Storyline Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply New visitorWelcome to the International Times Exhibition! Sweden Greenland Britain Canada Brazil Australia China Egypt France Germany Greece Argentina Iceland India Indonesia Iran Italy Japan Madagascar Mexico Mongolia Portugal Russia Tanzania United States Appreciated visitorThanks for visiting the International Times Exhibition! Add-on Christmas Day Puzzle 10 10 1 5.001,2301,230 (100%)0-1h Taster of Christmas Add-on Lunar Year Puzzle 10 10 1 5.001,2591,259 (100%)0-1h Taster of Lunar Year Add-on Heritages Puzzle Pack 10 10 1 5.001,1951,195 (100%)0-1h Taster of Heritages Add-on Inceptions Puzzle Pack 10 10 1 5.001,2931,293 (100%)0-1h Taster of Inceptions Add-on Halloween Puzzle Pack 10 10 1 5.001,3651,365 (100%)0-1h Taster of Halloween