Fortix 2

Fortix 2

Game action
Fortix 2

Fortix 2 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 26 Fortix 2 achievements.

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  • Z-Day

    Unlock Zombie Mode.

  • Happy Dragon

    Complete a level without capturing any dragons.

  • Survivor

    Finish Zombie Mode.

  • Square Deal

    Make a perfect square.

  • Merry-go-round

    Make a magic missile do a full circle around you.

  • Stealth Fighter

    Complete an Oarkland level without using a catapult.

  • Shield Bearer

    Capture all shields (at least 2) on an Oarkland or Dwarkland level with one capture.

  • Harvester

    Collect 50 sunflowers on Greemland or Classic levels.

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