FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE Achievements Full list of all 63 FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE achievements. It takes around 80-100 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 63 Online/Offline 63 Single Player 21 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 7 Collectable 4 Cumulative + 1 Level 1 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Master of FateEarn all FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE achievements. Onetime GigComplete Chapter 1. Escape ArtistComplete Chapter 2. Mercenary EndeavorsComplete Chapter 3. Night on the TownComplete Chapter 4. Plan EComplete Chapter 5. Lights OutComplete Chapter 6. Trapped like Sewer RatsComplete Chapter 7. ReunitedComplete Chapter 8. Never the BrideComplete Chapter 9. Sewer SurvivorComplete Chapter 10. Paranormal InvestigatorComplete Chapter 11. The CollapseComplete Chapter 12. Broken DreamsComplete Chapter 13. Picking Up the PiecesComplete Chapter 14. The Pizza in the SkyComplete Chapter 15. No Appointment NeededComplete Chapter 16. Emerging from ChaosComplete Chapter 17. Destiny's CrossroadsComplete Chapter 18. Warming UpWin a battle. Weakened ResolveExploit an enemy's weakness. Bonds of FriendshipFree a bound ally. Staggering StartStagger an enemy. Music CollectorCollect 3 music discs. Gotta Start SomewhereComplete a quest. My First AbilityMax out a weapon's proficiency. Materia for BeginnersLevel up an orb of materia. My First SummonInvoke a summon. Biker BoyGet praised by Jessie at the end of the motorcycle mini-game. Heavenly Dart PlayerRise to the top of the Seventh Heaven darts leaderboard. Cleanup CrewObtain the Chocobo & Moogle materia. In LockstepBypass the delta-level security lock in Mako Reactor 5. Crate AnnihilatorComplete all Normal difficulty Whack-a-Box challenges. Say It with FlowersDecorate the Leaf House with a floral arrangement. Summon SlayerDefeat a summon in battle. Sultan of SquatComplete all squat challenges. Dancing QueenReceived a gift from Andrea for being a dance superstar. Returning ChampionEmerge victorious from a colosseum sparring session. Snappy DresserObtain three bridal candidate outfits. Dressed to the NinesObtain all nine bridal candidate outfits. 1 guideWhack-a-Box WunderkindComplete all Hard difficulty Whack-a-Box challenges. Peeress of Pull-UpsComplete all pull-up challenges. Divine GratitudeReceive a letter from an angel. The Johnny ExperienceWitness all Johnny-related incidents. Best in the BusinessComplete all quests. 1 guideDisc JockeyCollect all music discs. Building CharacterAttain level 50 with a character. Staggering FeatDeal 300% damage to a staggered enemy. Intelligence AgentComplete all battle intel reports. Weapons ExpertLearn all weapon abilities for Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Aerith. 1 guideMaster of MimicryLearn all enemy skills. 1 guideThat's the SmellDefeat a malboro. 1 guideUltimate WeaponDefeat the Pride and Joy prototype. Hardened VeteranComplete all chapters of the main story on Hard difficulty. Takes Two IDs to TangoComplete Chapter 1 of INTERmission. Out of Darkness's ClutchesComplete Chapter 2 of INTERmission. The Road to RevengeComplete both chapters of INTERmission on Hard difficulty. Turtle-tasticCollect all the Happy Turtle flyers. Game, Set, MasterBecome the Fort Condor grandmaster. Condor QueenBecome the Fort Condor grandmaster on Hard difficulty. Materia MavenObtain all materia available from Shinra Box Buster challenges. Ultimate Weapon 2.0Defeat the Pride and Joy Mk 0.5. Corrupter of the ImmaculateDefeat Weiss.