Epic Chef Achievements Here is the full list of all 49 Epic Chef achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 49 Offline Mode 49 Single Player 12 Main Storyline 1 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 2 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply CliffhangerSpend the night in your new house My Cherie ArmourDefeat the Mysterious Knight Rookie CutterWin the Amateur Tournament BureaucracyObtain the Cooking License Run 'n' GunHunt the Pangun CryptoniteSolve the Crypt puzzle Sing A Song of SilkspenceDefeat the Tenor Spider You Say Potato...Defeat Chef Torapio in Culinary Battle Cull the NarimDefeat Chef Bolton in Culinary Battle Feline HungryDefeat Chef Anzhashi in Culinary Battle Feast from the EastDefeat the Festumancers in Culinary Battle Bossed ItDefeat the Final Boss in Culinary Battle Baby, Drag Do Do Do Do Do DoObtain the Dragon Egg G.O.A.T. CheeseWin every tournament Spirited FiletCraft a dish with 50+ Spirit points Vigor HappyCraft a dish with 50+ Vigor points Culture VultureCraft a dish with 50+ Sophistication points Meat SweatsCook a dish that contains Meat Feast Braise the LordCook a dish that contains Braised Uni Steak Natural VenomenaCook a dish that contains Venom Glaze Your Egg Is On FireCook a dish that contains Fiery Omelette It's a SynCook a dish that triggers a synergy Property MogulCook a dish that contains all 6 Ingredient Properties The Way Momma Cooked ItCreate the dish: Chunky Curds and Meaty Strips in Bread Sauce Secret RecipeCreate the dish: Unicorn Eggs and Mashed Scales with Snow White Coulis Chef's SpecialCreate the dish: Sunshine Jelly Steak and Fruit Splinters in Phantom Relish Fast FoodCook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Processed property Nice to Meat YouCook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Animal property Magic SeasoningCook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Magic property I Seafood, I Eat ItCook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Sea property Ground ProvisionsCook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Land property Veg Fund BabyCook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Vegetable property House SaladFully upgrade the villa I Squid You NotCatch a King Squid Food of a Took!Interact with the Mage in Deep Forest for the first time I Tame, I Saw, I ConqueredUse the Ancient Tamer for the first time Son of a BirchObtain Birch Light BiteCook a dish with more than 50 points Hearty MealCook a dish with more than 300 points CalorificCook a dish with more than 700 points Pump Up the GemPlace the Blue gem in the Statue GroundskeeperBuy some land for the first time Fully BookedUnlock all customers in the Restaurant Stat's The Way to Do ItHave the MAX modifier active for all Zest's Skills at the same time A Prize, Mother Cooker!Buy a tournament reward Add a Little ZestWear 10 different outfits or hats Have Some DecorumIncrease the Restaurant Decor Score to 500 or more WinergyUnlock every synergy Chef BezosObtain 100,000 Gold