Epic Chef

Epic Chef

Game action
Epic Chef

Epic Chef Achievements

Here is the full list of all 49 Epic Chef achievements.

  • Fast Food

    Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Processed property

  • Nice to Meat You

    Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Animal property

  • Magic Seasoning

    Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Magic property

  • I Seafood, I Eat It

    Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Sea property

  • Ground Provisions

    Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Land property

  • Veg Fund Baby

    Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Vegetable property

  • House Salad

    Fully upgrade the villa

  • I Squid You Not

    Catch a King Squid