EDGE Achievements Here is the full list of all 47 EDGE achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 47 Offline Mode 47 Single Player 3 Collectable 1 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply SecondGet 10 seconds of EDGE time MicrosecondGet 10 seconds of EDGE time as a mini cube MinuteGet 30 seconds of EDGE time HourGet 60 seconds of EDGE time MillimeterComplete 12 normal levels CentimeterComplete 24 normal levels DecimeterComplete 36 normal levels MeterComplete 45 normal levels KilometerComplete all normal levels DecameterComplete all bonus levels A-listGet an A rank on all normal levels StardomGet an S+ rank on all normal levels Double RainbowCollect all prisms in the game RainbowCollect all prisms in the normal levels ColorblindFinish a level without collecting any prisms 1 guideEdgaholicFinish a level by getting EDGE time on every edge climbed CompactGet crushed 10 times HitchhikeGet 30 seconds of EDGE time on a moving platform InvaderGet on top of an invader PickupGet picked up by a platform while hanging on an edge Long FallFall more than 16 meters and survive SubwayRide the complete subway track Quick responseFind the QR code Tumbling travelsGrab the prism after the wall sequence in "higher" as mini cube PinholeFinish a level in mini form DaredevilGet more than 0.5 seconds of EDGE time on the active side of a bumper DropoffGet dropped off by a platform and continue hanging on the wall RoundtripGet picked up by a platform and then dropped off by a platform BackpackGet at least 8 seconds of EDGE time on the human figure in "edge time" Perfect landingFall directly on the exit square in "star castle" JumperJump on top of a car in "peripherique" Turnstile jumperEvade the subway fare BalanceBalance on the floor for at least 5 seconds An enemy of my enemyCross the block-enemy section in "cube invaders" without activating any of the three bridges ChickenFind Toki Tori Nailed itGet to the exit of "hammer" fast MonkeyUnleash the nibbling totem monkey head in "babylonian" Mythical birdSummon the mythical bird in "mystic" ShuffledGet shuffled in "magic" StubbornPress the first nine switches in "don't click!" and finish the level Hard wiredDon't skip any of the moving wires in "wire" HitchupEscape the clutch of the elevator in "star dust" and get across MinimalistUse only one of the nine switches at the end of "click" FlagClimb the flag in "highest flag" HectometerComplete all extended levels Leap of faithTake a leap of faith SnowblindFind the six hidden switches in the snow-covered levels in December